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Interparticle Forces and Properties of

The properties observed in solids like those
in liquids can also be explained through
the interparticle forces within them. Recall
that in solids, the particles are more
attracted with one another which allows
them to be in contact in fixed positions,
thus, occupying specific amounts of space.
This explains the interparticle forces,
definite shape and volume of solids.
Also, the particles have less kinetic energy
so movement of the particles is very
limited. Though possible, like vibrational
motion about a fixed point. An increase in
the temperature of a solid brings about an
increase in the kinetic energy of the
particles and may cause them to move
about but still within the limits of the
attractive forces holding them.
Expansion or increase in volume does take
place, but this volume change is relatively
small. This is exemplified by a piece of iron
rod which when heated, is observed to
have volume expansion. However, the
measured and computed values of the
expansion are quite small.
Outside or external pressure has very little
effect on the volume of a solid. Unless the
individual particles are deformed, no
significant compression and consequent
change in the volume results. Solids are
therefore said to be incompressible.
If heat is added to a solid and the
molecular motion increases sufficiently, the
attractive forces are overcome so that the
particles are no longer held in fixed
positions. They become mobile like liquid
particles; the solid melts. The temperature
at which a solid melts (changes into
liquid) is called the melting point.
It depends on the strength of the attractive
forces of the atoms, ions, or molecules that
compose it: the stronger the attractive
force, the higher is the melting point. The
amount of heat required to completely melt
a solid, once it has reached its melting
point, is called heat of fusion.
When a solid-liquid equilibrium is obtained,
the melting point of the solid is equal to the
freezing point in its liquid state. The
temperature will not change as long as both
phases are present. The melting point of a
pure solid is a characteristic of it and can be
determined experimentally. Thus, it is often
used as a means in its identification.
Vapor Pressure of a Solid. It is not common
to think of a solid exerting vapor pressure,
The attractive forces among the particles of
the solid are supposed to keep them in the
solid state until it starts to melt. However,
like in liquids, some particles in solids may
have the minimum energy to escape from
the surface and pass to a gas or vapor
without becoming liquid. The change from
solid to gas without passing through the
liquid state is called sublimation.
If a solid that sublimes at an appreciable
rate is placed in a closed container and the
temperature at which it sublimes is kept
constant, an equilibrium is established
between the solid and its vapor; that is, the
rate of sublimation becomes equal to the
rate at which particles from the vapor
crystallizes (are deposited) again as solid.
The vapor pressure of a solid is the
pressure exerted by the vapor when in
equilibrium with the solid at a given
Classes of Solid
Solids are generally classified into:
amorphous or crystalline solids.
Amorphous Solid
The word amorphous means that the solid
does not always adopt the same form. Its
constituent particles are randomly
arranged. Examples are asphalt, rubber,
glass, and plastic. These solids are the
results of the melting, cooling, and
solidifying of liquids before the particles
can achieve internal order, (like glass) or
having large molecules that are tangled
together (like rubber and plastic.)
Amorphous solids do not have sharp
melting points, that is, melting within a
narrow temperature range. Instead, they
soften first and melt little by little over a
wide temperature range.
Crystalline Solid
It is a solid in which the constituent particles
(atoms, ions, or molecules) have an orderly
arrangement, that is, it has regularly
arranged structure units with characteristic
geometric forms. Thus, crystals show
regular shapes which reflect the
arrangement of the particles within them.

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