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Schism: Separation of the West and the

East (1054 A.D.)

• a division of a Church into factions because of the

differences in doctrine.

• Historians traced the root of this great division to a

• Filioque - is a Latin term added to the original
Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (commonly
known as the Nicene Creed), and which has been
the subject of great controversy between Eastern
and Western Christianity. It is not in the original
text of the Creed, attributed to the First Council of
Constantinople, the second ecumenical council,
which says that the Holy Spirit proceeds "from the
Father", without additions of any kind, such as "and
the Son" or "alone"
• Roman Catholic Chruch and Eastern
Orthodox Church

• 1054 AD
5. Crusades

• It is a series od foreign invasions

threateningbChristianity and taking its holy
places. .
• It was taught by the ecclesiastical authorities
at that time that if a crusader dies during the
crusade, he is assured of his salvation
because he was already forgiven from his

• The Crusades lasted for a few hundred years.

6. Inquisitions

• Christisnity once again fought heresies and

condemned heretics.

• Once heretic is found, he/8she is given an

appropriate trial and corresponding measure,
depending on the case at hand.
• 1197 King Peter of Aragon
• 1199 Pope Innocent III

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