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• Explain BBT as a method on NFP
• Conduct initial instruction on the use
of BBT method
• Distinguish the fertile and infertile
phases of the menstrual cycle using
the BBT
• Explain BBT rules to postpone
BBT definition…
• Is a method in identifying the fertile
and infertile period of a woman’s cycle
by daily taking and recording of the rise
in body temperature during and after
• Is the temperature of the body at rest
at least 3 hrs. of continuous sleep
before temperature taking
• A woman’s BBT rises during ovulation
period and stays high until the next
menstruation due to rise in
progesterone level.
How to take the
• Use an ovulation thermometer
• Take the temperature every morning upon
waking and before any activity
• Thermometer is placed under the tonque
or the axilla for five minutes
• Be consistent in using the thermometer
• Use the same route throughout cycle one
How to record

• After taking the temperature, record

reading immediately
• If the mercury is between two readings,
always chart the highest reading
• Record by placing a dot at the center of
the box
• Connect dots marking the temperature on
a daily basis
Who records
• Ideally the husband, however if he is
not around, the woman can do it
How to establish cover
line (WHO)
• Identify the first 10 temperature reading
of the cycle
• Disregard temperature on days 1-5
• Find the highest temperature on days 6-10
• Disregard any temperature that is
abnormally high due to illness
• Draw a horizontal line along the highest
temperature on days 6-10. This is the
How to find the thermal
• The temperature usually rises (from .4*F
to 1*F or from .05*C to .20*C)above the
highest of the previous low temperature
pattern. This is called the thermal shift.
• Once the temperature has remained high
for 3 consecutive days, ovulation has
Fertile and infertile days?
• After the coverline has been established,
count the first 3 consecutive temperature
above this cover line and mark 1,2,3
• Draw a vertical line between 2 and 3
• Fertile days are to the left of the vertical
line and infertile days are all days to the
right of the vertical line
• Establish the pattern of use for 3 months
and discuss with a service provider to
assist in interpreting the data
BBT Rules to Postpone
• Lovemaking or intercourse can be
done during the third day of the
thermal shift until the end of the
cycle. (Post Ovulatory or Infertile
• Intercourse is to be avoided during
fertile days to prevent pregnancy
Guidelines for achieving
• A woman who wants to have a child can
practice the BBT method by doing the
• Observe the signs and symptoms of the
menstrual cycle
• Time the sexual intercourse during the
fertile period for a day or two between
each intercourse so that the husband’s
semen will have the maximum number of
Guidelines for achieving

• Take the basal body temperature

daily. If the temperature
remains elevated for a longer
period than the previous
menstrual cycle, it is likely that
she is pregnant.

• Perfect use : 99 percent

• Typical use : 80 percent

• It can be used by any woman of
reproductive age who is willing to take
and chart her BBT daily and practice
abstinence during fertile periods.
• There are no medical precautions
against the use of BBT. However, the
following conditions can affect the BBT:
*Sore throat, colds and flu, fever,
toothache, vomitting, diarrhea,
anxiety, sunburn, medication,
travel, sleep disturbance and
alcoholic beverages.

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