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Objectives Topics

1. Define Biology and other related fields. Unit I – Biology As A Science

2. Trace the history of Biology.
3. Identify the major fields of biology and the pioneering Definition of Biology and Related Terms
scientists in the field. The Scientific Method
4. Discuss the characteristics of living things. History of Biology
5. Recognize the importance of the study of Biology. Major fields of Biology
Living and Non-living Things

1. Show a diagram to explain the chemical and biological Unit II - Basis of Life
basis of life.
2. Explain the different levels of organization in the 1. Chemical basis of life
ecosystem. a. Atoms, Molecules
3. Differentiate atoms, molecules and compounds and give b. Organic and Inorganic Compounds
examples. 1. Biological basis of life.
4. Discuss the organic and inorganic compounds and their
importance in a living organism.
Unit III – Organization of Life
1. Differentiate two general types of cells.
2. Identify and describe the functions of cellular organelles. Cytology
3. Compare plant cell from animal cell. 1. Cell Anatomy
4. Discuss the different transport processes and their 2. Cell Physiology
significance in maintaining homeostasis. a. Transport Processes
5. Describe cell growth and reproduction. b. Cell Division

Plant Tissue
Animal tissue
Objectives Topics

1. Describe the structure and microscopic anatomy Unit IV – Functions of Life

of the food producing organ of the plant.
2. Discuss food manufacture in plants. Food Procurement
3. Identify the parts and functions of the Digestive a. Photosynthesis in Plants
System. b. Digestion in Animals
4. Relate the process of digestion in animals. Transport System
5. Integrate the value of food and nutrition in Translocation in Plants
maintenance of living systems. Circulation in Animals
6. Describe the processes involved in the Respiration
translocation of food in plants. Excretion
7. Identify and discuss the function of the organs Regulation and Coordination of Responses
involved in the transport of substances in animals. Plant Hormones and Responses
8. Trace the pathway of the circulating fluid in man. Endocrine System
9. Discuss plant and animal respiration. Nervous System
10. List wastes produced by metabolic activities and Sense Organs
the organs responsible for eliminating them. Support and locomotion
11. Explain responses of plants and animals to stimuli. a. Supportive tissues in Plants
12. Discuss the role of hormones and the nervous b. Skeletal and Muscular Systems in Animals
system in controlling and coordinating responses.
13. Identify the sense organs and explain how they
14. Describe the support systems in plants and
15. Discuss the muscular system and its role in motion.
Objectives Topics
1. Distinguish asexual from sexual reproduction. Unit V – Continuity of Life
2. Identify the reproductive components of the plant.
3. Describe the process of pollination and fruit bearing. 1. Reproductive System
4. Describe the organs of reproduction in man. 2. Reproduction and Development
5. Explain the process of conception and embryonic and fetal 3. Genetics
development in man.
6. Name and discuss the Mendelian Laws of Heredity.
7. List different types of inheritance and give examples.
8. Illustrate a family tree up to the fifth filial generation.

1. Define ecology and related terms. Unit VI – Ecology and Taxonomy

2. Discuss basic principles of ecology. Terminologies pertaining to the study of the environment.
3. Evaluate existing environmental problems and plan strategies Basic Ecological Concepts
to restore, protect and conserve the environment. population
4. Name the different taxonomic categories of plants and community
animals. ecosystem
5. Write scientific names. limiting factors
6. Compile scientific names of common plants and animals. population interactions
Contemporary environmental issues and problems and their
Unity in Diversity
a. Monera
b. Protista
c. Fungi
d. Plant
e. Animal
Maimbag nga malem kadakayo
amin Apow!!!
• Unit III – Organization of Life

• Cytology
– Cell Anatomy
– Cell Physiology
– Transport Processes
– Cell Division
• Histology
– Plant Tissue
– Animal tissue
• Differentiate two general types of cells.
• Identify and describe the functions of cellular
• Compare plant cell from animal cell.
• Discuss the different transport processes and
their significance in maintaining homeostasis.
• Describe cell growth and reproduction.

Organization of Life
Organization of Life

Matthias Scheiden : 1830 • is the basic structural,
(plants) functional, and biological
Theodor Scwann : (animals) unit of all known living
• the smallest unit of life.
• are often called the
"building blocks of life".
• The study of cells is
called cell biology or
cellular biology.

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
• unicellular organisms • any cell or organism
that lack organelles or that possesses a
clearly defined nucleus.
other internal
The eukaryotic cell has
membrane-bound a nuclear membrane
structures. that surrounds the
Component Prokaryotic Eukaryotic
Cell wall present (-) in animals/(+) plants
Centrioles absent (+) in animals/(-) plants
Chloroplast Present in some cells Present in some cells
Genetic materials Single circular Arranged in multiple
chromosome of DNA chromosome: DNA associated
with protein
Cilia absent Present in some cell
Cytoskeleton Absent Present
Endoplamic Reticulum Absent Present
Flaggelum Often present Present in some cell
Glycocalyx Absent Present
Golgi Apparatus Present Present
Lysosomes Absent Present
Mitochondria Absent Present
Nucleus Absent Present
Plasma membrane Present Present
Ribosome Present Present
Vacuoles Present Present
Cell Physiology
Fluid Types:
•Generally not found in pure forms:

Hypotonic solution:
Hypertonic solution:
Fluid movements:
1. Diffusion:
2. Active transport:
3. Osmosis:
4. Capillary filtration:
Active Transport
Capillary Filtration
Variable Plant Animals

Movement of autotrophic Heterotrophic

Extent of growth indeterminate Determinate

Cell wall present Absent

Nervous system absent Present in most

Mobility Mostly immobile Mostly mobile

Primary food Starch and Glucogen and

reserve unsaturated oil saturated fats
Waste products O2 from photo CO2 and
synthesis CO2 from nitrogenous waste
Plant classification

• Vascular system: involve in the condition

of water and dissolve substance
• Fertilization: water dependent or not
• Habitat adaptation: aquatic or dry
• Seed formation-none naked or protected
• Floral parts arrangement
Documentation: RN’s from
different hospitals, vast
difference in age
Learning Outcomes

• At the end of the

topic Registered
Nurse will be able
to do proper
documentation that
occurs with in the
clients health
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives

Behaviour Skill
• Confidence • Provide more detailed
• Professionalism information
• Culture Sensitive • Effective
Insight Knowledge
• Respectful • In accordance the
policies and
• Timely standards of the
People Characteristics
• People • Characteristics
– Age – Diversity
• 50%: 23 to 37 y/o
• Experience
• 40%: 38 to 54 y/o
• 10% :55 y/o @
• Educational
above Background
– Hospital • Cultural
• 50%: Private – Well equipped with IT
• 50%: Goverment gadget

• Interactive discussion
• Workshop on proper
• Pre test and Post
• Environment • Constraints
– Physical – Noise
– Virtual – Conflict (duties)
• Laptop – Availability of venue
– Budget
– Social and Cultural
• Experience and
• Management support
Background – IEC materials
• Location – Infrastructure
– Hospital: chair and – Manpower
– Sound system,
1 hour lecture Giving of case or
-correct scenario
Workshop thru small
group discussion
(output based)

Summary and Presentation


Open forum (critic)

Thank you very much apow!!!!

1 hour Lectures on
Water Intoxication

Occurs when excess fluid

moves from the ECS to
the ICS.
SIADH : Hyper secretion of the ADH
Rapid infusion of hypotonic solution D5W.
Excessive use of tap water as NGT irrigant
Enema in some cases
Psychogenic polydipsia
Signs and Symptoms:
Increase ICP: Thirst
Initially: Dyspnea on exertion
• headache Dulled sensorium
• personality changes Late signs: pupillary and
• change in behavior VS changes
and LOC seizures and coma
Nausea and vomiting Weight gain.
Cramping and muscle
Laboratory findings
Serum Na level , 125mEq/L
Serum osmolality ,280 mOsm/Kg
• Correcting the underlying cause
• Restrict oral and parenteral fluid
• Avoid use of hypotonic solution
• Hypertonic solution in severe situation
Nursing Management
Best management is prevention
1. closely assess his neurologic status: personality and
2. monitor V/S and I and O
3. Maintain oral and IV fluid restrictions, as prescribed
4. Alert the dietician and patients’ family to the restrictions.
5. Post a sign in the patients room to alerts staff to fluid
6. Insert an IV catheter and maintain it, as ordered
7. Administer diuretics as prescribe
8. Observe patients response to therapy
9. Weight patient
10.Monitor laboratory tests
11.Provide Safe Environment
12.Institute seizure Precautions to
severe cases
13.Document assessment and

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