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Physical Development


Adolescent Development

Adolescence is one period of human life. The change most felt by adolescents at first is physical
change. In adolescence is characterized by the existence of rapid physical growth, and this is seen
as an important thing that also affects the psychological aspects. Signs of physical change from
adolescence occur in the context of puberty, which in this context the maturity of the sex organs
and reproductive ability grows rapidly.
According to Ziggler and Sevenson (in Desmita, 2008) in general, physical changes during
adolescence can be grouped into two categories, those are changes related to physical
growth and changes related to the development of sexual characteristics.
 Change in height and weight
 Changes in Body Proportion
 Sexual Maturity
 Changes in primary sex characteristic
 Changes in secondary sex characteristic
Differences in Physical Growth
Profiles of Students Between Junior
High School and Senior High School
Factors that Influence Adolescent
Physical Effects

1. Internal Factors
Internal factors are factors that originate from within an individual, including:
a. Physical properties inherited from his parents
b. Maturity
2. External Factors
External factors are factors originating from outside the child, including:
a. Health
b. b. Food
c. c. Environmental stimulation
In addition there are also other factors. Conditions that affect the physical development
of adolescents
1. Endocrine system.
2. Family influence.
3. Effect of Nutrition
4. Emotional disorders
5. Gender.
6. Socio-economic status.
7. Health Children

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