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Designed by :

•Salim Hidayatullah
•Achmad Mirza N H
•Danang Harir Faqih
 A cigarette (from the French for "small cigar". Cigar
comes, through the Spanish and Portuguese cigarro,
from the Mayan siyar; "to smoke rolled tobacco
leaves") is a small roll of finely cut tobacco leaves
wrapped in a cylinder of thin paper for smoking.
> Nikotin (opium subtance)

> Tar (cause cancer)

> Amonia (usual is used in lye)

> Hidrogen sianida (poisonous gas)

> Arsenik ( poisonous subtance )

> Karbon monoksida (poisonous subtance)

Smoke is most dangerous for our health, because in the substance of
cigarette contains many chemistry elements, by smoke identify with inhal
a thousand of many dangerous chemistry element and can make our body
For example like this:

1. Cause cancer desease(blood cancer, brain cancer, and skin cancer)

2. Cause heart desease (difference of heart)
3. Appeare spots in our lungh
4. Desease kidney
The behavior of smoking for students began because the less of information and
misunderstand information, or persuaded from friends. The survey from
“yayasan jantung indonesia” 77% students are smoking because get persuade
from his friends

Until the “Yayasan Jantung Indonesia” get conclusion:

1. By smoking can make have a way with others.
2. Smoker looked more cool.
3. Smoking can increase performance of study.
4. Smoking can make our body heat.
5.smoking make a looked more adult .
Some effort wich can get for avoid students smoking, inter-alia as follows:

1. The school must free of smoking.

2. Every there is the event dangerouse smoking.
3. Orang tua dilarang memperlihatkan dirinya merokok didepan anaknya.
4. Setiap ortu diharapkan mengikutsertakan anak’’nya kedalam kegiatan
sepulang dari sekolah, seprti bimbel, kursus olah raga dan lain lain.

Mulai sekarang mari kita budayakan hidup sehat dan mulai meninggalkan rokok
agar orang” yang kita cintai terhindar dari penyakit berbahaya.ingat!
Mencegah itu lebih baik daripada mengobati.

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