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• the Republic of Austria has a free and public school system.

• nine years of education are mandatory throughout the

nation from ages six to fifteen (or first to ninth grade).

• children ranging from ages zero to six are taken care of in

nurseries called Kinderkrippen.

• Kindergarteners range from the ages three to six years old.

• children around the age of two are taken care of in small groups by
day parents called Tagesmutter.

• the first four years of schooling is completed at primary schools called

Volksschule or Grundschule.

• from the age of teb children are able to attend a junior hischool or a
secondary school called Hauptschule or Cooperative Mittelschule.

• once children have entered ninth grade at ages of 14 or 15, they will
be schooled at a polytechnical school called a Polytechnische Schule.
• Polytechnische Schule - will ultimately prepare studendts for
vocatioal orientation , an apprenticeship or even for mor

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