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Finnish Perspective to Create

Global Leaders
Finnish Education System
Finnish education is a democratic and
inclusive system that provides equal
opportunities for every resident. It
consists of daycare and pre-school
programmes for young children, followed
by nine years of compulsory basic
education and three years of voluntary
upper secondary education
Finnish Education System
 Finnish students enter education in the school
at the age of 7 years
 Children can attend day care/nursery school
but they do not have formal education
 For every 45 minutes of learning, students
enjoy 15 minutes of play
 School is only compulsory for 9 years uptil the
age of 16 years
 Students are not measured at all for the first
six years of their education
 Students only have to sit for a centralized
exam (National Matriculation Exam) at the age
of 18-19 years old (after 12 years of school)
 Finnish students do the least number of class
hours per week
 The school day starts between 8-9 a.m and is
finished by 2 p.m
 Schools are not inspected

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