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Cuba’s Education

By: Zaiden, Ava, Emily, and Dacey

Facts About Cuba Schools
● There’s a maximum of 25 children per
classroom. But classes mainly have about 20
students maximum.

● Schools open at 6.30am and close 12 hours


● Core classes take place from 8:40-12:30.

● The classes aren’t an hour long like ours in

America but only 30 minutes
Cuba’s Education
● Since 1961, the educational system in
Cuba has been run by the state
nationalizing private institutions at all
levels of education
● 98.2 percent continue education after
the sixth grade, which means there’s
very little dropouts.
Cuba Schools
● There are 13,600 teachers working in 425 special schools, all around the
country. “Mobile teachers” are deployed to homes if children are unable to
come to school because of sickness or disability.

● Students are required to wear uniforms, but the uniforms are provided

● The primary-school curriculum includes dance, lessons on health and

hygiene, and revolutionary history. Classroom learning is often integrated
with basic skills, such as gardening, pruning, wood and metal crafts, and
Qualifications For College
The requirements for entering a university or
technical institute of higher education in
Cuba are as follow:
● Students must show proof of completing a
secondary education
● Students must pass college entrance exams
● Men must show proof of having completed
compulsory military service or proof of
non-compliance due to medical reasons or
Students of Cuba
Age of Education
● Infant program for children (ages of one
through four)
● Parents are children’s first teachers
● Cuba provides free education from birth
to when they pass away
● From ages six to sixteen, school is
● Students attend primary school for six
years, after which they proceed to basic
secondary or high school for a period of
three to four years

● National budget of 13% goes to education

● Education is a MUST. From ages 6-16
● From an early age, children are taught in their schools with the government’s
political beliefs of communism.
● All universities and technical schools are run by the Ministry of Higher
● Cuba has over 47 universities with a total enrolment of over 400,000 students.

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