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June 24-25, 2019

Felinita R. Barroga,CPA. DBA

BSA/ BSAT Program Head
Raising and training a child within the context of this proverb means that it
begins with the Bible, as “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training…” (2 Timothy 3:16).

Teaching children the truths of Scripture will make them wise for salvation (2
Timothy 3:15);
thoroughly equip them to do good works (2 Timothy 3:17);
prepare them to give an answer to everyone who asks them the reason for
their hope (1 Peter 3:15);

and prepare them to withstand the attacks of cultures bent on indoctrinating

young people with secular values.
Parents are the children’s strongest role
model and greatest influence. Children
always adopt parent’s values and types of
behavior. (Kasapi, Gjylymsere, 2013)

If parents are a positive influence in their

children’s everyday lives, and most importantly in
their everyday education, their future will be more
beautiful and more successful.
(Colanoiq, Vera. 1972)
Ug kamong mga amahan, ayaw
ninyo pagsuk-a ang inyong mga
anak, kondili matutoon hinoon ninyo
sila uban sa pagbansay ug
pagpahamatngon gikan sa Ginoo.

Efeso 6:4
Some Research Findings revealed:
1.Parental encouragement and support for learning
activities at home combined with parental involvement in
schooling is critical to children’s education.

2. Parents are the first and continuing educators of their children.

As Muller (2009) states: ‘Family-school and community

partnerships are re-defining the boundaries and functions of
education. They enlarge parental and community capacity; they
create conditions in which children learn more effectively. In
these ways they take education beyond the school gates’.
Positive Impact of Parental Engagement
on Indicators of Students’ Achievement

 Higher grades and test scores

 Enrolmentin higher level programs and
advanced classes
 Lower drop-out rates
 Higher graduation rates
A greater likelihood of commencing tertiary
Various Indicators of Student Development
that is associated with parental engagement

 Better social skills

 Improved behavior
 Better adaptation to school
 Increased social capital
 A greater sense of personal competence and efficacy for
 Greater engagement in school work
 A stronger belief in the importance of education.
The Role of Parents in their children’s
 The mother as an educator - Mother is the first and the best teacher
=the physical protection of the child (see to it that the child is in
good condition ready for school daily) (proper hygiene, healthcare
=the Psychological protection= let the children feel you are
always behind them, providing emotional and moral support
Mothers should cultivate love and affection.
The Role of Parents in their children’s
 The Father as an educator and disciplinarian
 The father in a family is a very important factor, concerning the organization
of a nice and appropriately functional development of a house hold.
 Helping fathers be the ‘best fathers they can be’ is therefore of enormous
importance to children.
 A good father must be a good parent and a good husband. This person is
extremely important factor in the organization of the family life as a whole,
which are the basic ground towards a happily and joyful family for all the
members of a respective family.
 Many young fathers want to do things better than how they have experienced
in their lives. (Claudia&Eberhard Muhlan. 2008)
Some of the responsibilities a parent has
towards the education of their children:

1. Spend time with your child

2. Provide a supportive environment in the house
3. Acknowledge and appreciate their achievements
( give them rewards)
3. Connect with your child’s school teachers (Attend PTA Meetings)
4. Inspire and Encourage your child
5. Discuss their problems with them
6. Keep an eye on your child’s activity
Some of the responsibilities a parent has
towards the education of their children:

7. Advise your child about how to develop study habits

8.Maintain a balance between love and strictness
9. Monitor how your child learns
10. Ensure that your child is not over-scheduled
11. Set aside time to read together
12. Pray for and with them.
Teaching children with diligence requires investment of
time. As parents we want the best for our child, and the
best we can give them is the right kind of education.

Our attitude towards education can inspire them and show

them how to take charge of their own educational journey.
Through proper guidance, parents can help their child
organize their time to learn new things in and out of school.

Give your child the best learning experience and help them
succeed with good academic performance. Educate your
children and give them a bright future.
 Ifa child turns out pretty good, the parents are
happy to point them out and claim them as their
own with perhaps a little pride showing too. But if
the child turns out rebellious and a problem in
society, then the parents are quick to claim that it
was not their fault.
Parents need to know that we are just
stewards of our children
 As stewards we are required to be faithful.
 As stewards, we need to understand that we
are to give an account of ourselves before God.
 Soon our master will come and He will require
us to give an accounting of what He has
entrusted to us.
 We better do our job well in raising, nurturing
and equipping and supporting our children
Our Ultimate Goal

 To see our children realized God’s plan and purpose for

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Indeed God has good plans for our children’s

Thank You
God bless us all!

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