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-are features of the Earth's surface produced by either the erosive or constructive action of the

wind. This process is not unique to the Earth, and it has been observed and studied on other
planets, including Mars.
• It refers specifically to the wind’s ability
to shape the surface of the earth.

• Winds may erode, transport and deposit


• Aeolian processes are important in arid

and semi arid environments such as
 Found in regions of the earth where erosion and deposition by wind are the
dominant geomorphic forces shaping he face of the landscape.

 Aeolian sediments are often composed od well-rounded, sand o silt sized

particles that are weathered by wind abrasion during transport.

 Sediments are deposited when the velocity of the wind falls.

Dune 7 facts
-has been measured at over 1,256 feet.

-it was named Dune 7 because it is he seventh

dune one encounters after crossing the river
Tsauchab, which runs through part of the Namib

_The desert itself, believed to be dry for at least

55 million years, is considered the oldest in the

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