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What are you going to do?

Sofia and Shannon

Essential Question:
When thinking about your future careers, how will you
take into account both your personal and professional
life and how are you planning to have both of them
aligned and going towards the same purpose? Talk with
a partner and discuss how to say it.

Al pensar en tus futuras carreras, ¿Cómo tendrás en

cuenta tu vida personal y profesional y cómo planeas
tener ambas alineadas e ir hacia el mismo propósito?
Hable con un compañero y discuta cómo se diría en
Build Background
What are you going to do
once you’re done studying at
SENA? What are your plans?
List 5 plans
We use GOING TO to talk about the future!


Future Plans?
What are you going to do next
What will you do next year?
Who will you be?
What’s your 5-year plan?
Building Background continued...
Let’s Practice: Estructura las siguientes frases con WILL y GOING TO
The worker merge the layers

He design the new project tomorrow

The workers adjust the colors

We crop parts of an image

Completa las oraciones con will o going to de acuerdo al
contexto, luego escoge entre las opciones de uso 1-2-3 o 4
(escoges entre las funciones de arriba )

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