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Town and country planning organisation (TCPO)

Established in 1962, TCPO has come a long way. It has been functioning as the technical
wing of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. Over the years,

TCPO has undertaken various pioneering works in the area of formulating Master Plans,
urban design projects, tourism development plans, regional plans, empirical research studies
in topical areas, manuals and guides on various aspects of planning and development,
monitoring and evaluation of central sector schemes, information system, urban mapping,
urban and regional development policies, development law etc.

The Organisation is responsible for providing assistance and advice of highest order to
Central and State Governments, Public Sector Agencies, Development Authorities and Urban

Local Bodies on matters pertaining to urban & regional planning and development.
Apart from non-plan functions, TCPO also monitors specific plan schemes of the Ministry of
Urban Development.

Major Functions Of Town and Country Planning.

1. TCPO as an apex Organisation in the field of Urban & Regional Planning and
Development provides knowledge support and technical advice and assistance to various
State Govts., Development Authorities, ULBs, other agencies etc.
2.Technical assistance and guidance to the Ministry of Urban Development, Planning
Commission, other Central Ministries / Agencies.
3. Research studies in areas of topical interest.
4.Manuals and Guides on various aspects of planning and development
.5.Training & Capacity Building, Conferences and Workshops in the field of urban & regional
planning and development and Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Urban & Regional
6. Appraisal and monitoring of central sector projects / Schemes.


1.To encourage planned and systematic urban and rural growth in a comprehensive manner.
2.To stop haphazard constructions.
3.To make optimum use of precious urban land.
4.To create conducive conditions for encouraging planned constructions.
5.To plan for creating essential urban infrastructure.
6.To sub serve the basic needs of poor and especially urban slum population.
7.To upgrade environment for conducive habitat.
8.To preserve the hilly architecture and rich heritage of the State

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