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Rishibha Sharma – 116

Vidhi Agarwal – 119

Sushma Sharma - 212

The task is to predict the age of a person from his or her facial attributes.

The human face has the attributes such as gender,age, personal identity,

facial expressions. The face image processing techniques has the various

applications in computer vision fields and graphics. There are

two fundamental problems in the face image processing techniques:

Face image synthesis- The image of face with single or mixed facial

attributes such as identity of person, face expression, gender and age.

Face image analysis- The image of face with facial attributes such as

identity of person, face expression, gender and age.

Face recognition is one of the applications of the pattern
recognition and image analysis. In face detection the face
is extracted from the scene and sees whether the face is
present in that scene or not. In feature extraction step the
face regions, variations and angles are extracted from face
image. In face recognition step the comparison method
and classification algorithms are used for the recognition
of human face.
S.No Title of the paper Author Technique

1. Human Age Estimation With Yun Fu Multiple linear

Regression on Discriminative Thomas S. Huang regression and
Aging Manifold subspace
2. Age and Gender Estimation of Eran Eidinger, Robust face
Unfiltered Faces Roee alignment
technique, SVM
3. Partial Face Recognition: Shengcai Liao, PCA + LDA & LBP
Alignment-Free Approach Anil K. Jain, Canny edge
Fellow and Stan detector
Z. Li
4. Automatic Age Estimation Xin Geng, Zhi- AGES (aging
Based on Facial Aging Hua Zhou pattern
Patterns subspace)
 The face images of persons are captured by e
through a camera and some images are
collected from net data set images. The
proposed system gives an effective
estimation of the age using face features
from human face images. This process
involves three stages: Preprocessing,
Normalization, Feature Extraction, and
 Pre-processing includes three steps as
detecting the image, converting to gray scale
& noise reduced image.
 The color image is converted into gray scale
image. The Matlab code is used for
conversion of RGB to Gray scale image
represented in binary digits 0 and 1. There
are different types of filteration methods
used for noise reduction techniques.
Gaussian filtering method is used for noise
 In normalization process the system crops
the detected rectangular face area using
Matlab in-built object function. Then,we
detect the eye pair, mouth, nose, and chin. It
gives the specific images of left eye, right
eye, left eyebrow, right eyebrow, mouth etc.
 A combination of global and grid features are
extracted from face images
 The global features such as distance between
two eye balls, eye to nose tip, eye to chin,
and eye to lip is calculated.
 The grid feature is based on wrinkle
geography of the face.It includes forehead
portion, eyelid regions, upper portion of
cheeks and eye corner regions.
 Age ranges are classified dynamically
depending on number of groups based on
the global and grid features. Support vector
machine (SVM) is used as age classifier
 Age classification is done groups known as
young, middle and old.
 Our work leads us to the conclusion that
wrinkle geography analysis has been the best
procedure to estimate human age range of an
individual. For proper eye and eyeball
detection, face in the image should be
without spectacle. Image should be of a
straight frontal face. Image should contain
single human face only

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