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1. Identifiy the topic to be disscussed or developed. This is one
of the most crucial parts of writing since the writer is
confronted with the ambiguilty of the available issues to
discuss unless topic has been assigned by the teaher them,
writer has the freedom to decide on the topic to develop.

2. Narrow down the topic. The process does not stop with the
identification of the topic but narrowing it down and speifying
it should immediately follow.
3. Formulate a Thesis Statement. Thesis statement is a short
statement, usually one sentence that summarizes the main
point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc.
A.The thesis statement or main claim
must be debatable.
The thesis must be something that
people could resonably have differing
opinions on.

America’s anti-pollution efforts should
focus on privately owned cars.
B. The Thesis needs to be narrow.
Although the scope of your paper
might seen overwhelming at the start,
generally the narrower the thesis the
more effetive your argument will be.

Example of a narrow or focused thesis:

Illegal drug use is determental because it
encouraged gang violence.
Claims typically fall into one of four categories.
Claims of fact or definition. These claims argue
about what the definition of somethig is or
whether something is a settled fact.

Example: What some people refer to as global

warming is actually nothing more that normal,
long-term cycles of climate change.
Claims of cause and effects: these claims argue
that one person, thing, or event caused another
thing or event to occur.

Example: The popularity of SUV’s in America has

pollution to increase.
Claims about value.Theseare claims
made of what something is worth,
whether we value it or not, how we
would rate or categorize something.

Example: Global warming is the

mosmst pressing challenge facing the
world today .
Claims about solutions or policies. These
are laims that argue for a against a certain
solution or policy approah to a problem.

Example: Instead of driling for oil in Alaska

we should be focusing on way to reduce oil
consumption, such as researching
renewable energy sources.
Gather necessary proof, evidence and supports about your claim
through facts, result of studies and opinion made relevant to your
thesis statement.

Thesis statement: technilogical progress has allowd scientist to
research this issue and provide valid arguments in favor of the
theory that claims love is much (not totally though) about “simple”

Support/ proof and evidence

• According to Dr. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at rutgers
University, love as a holistic ystem can be divided into three
basic subsystem, each with its own functional task and roles:
sex drive, romanti love, and attachment.

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