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Best Tips for Good

Instagram Captions
Captions on your Instagram posts give a voice
to your visual content.
Presentation Outline

• Introduction
• Be Aware of Your Audience
• Decide on the Message of Your Instagram Caption
• Use Hashtags in Your Instagram Captions
• A Good Instagram Caption has Short Paragraphs
• Make Sufficient Use of Emoticons

• Instagram is one of the biggest visually-driven social platforms on the internet.

Cultivating and growing a follower base on Instagram is a concoction of many
• The only way to attract new followers and potential customers to your business is
by creating visually stimulating content along with good Instagram Captions.
• Captions on your Instagram posts give a voice to your visual content. A well-crafted
caption not only allows your brand to stand out from the 25 million businesses on
Instagram but also gives you an open opportunity to include call-to-actions in your
Be Aware of Your Audience

• It is essential to stick to writing captions that are targeted towards your followers.
• Your Instagram captions must be created with the aim of acquiring new followers in mind.
• Ask yourself questions like:
• Where are the majority of your followers located?
• Average age of your followers?
• Which gender is more prominent among your followers?
• These questions help you in understanding the needs and preferences of your audience.
Decide on the Message of Your
Instagram Caption
• Good Instagram captions are an opportunity to start conversations with your
audience or customers.
• If your post is about a promotional offer, event, or sale, an Instagram caption adds
an explanatory element for the better understanding.
• The message you are trying to convey with your caption must also be relevant to
your post
• Instagram caption is your space to explain the meaning of your picture.
• Creating a caption with a catchy first sentence gain more engagement.
Use Hashtags in Your Instagram Captions

• Hashtags are an excellent tool for reaching a targeted audience in your niche.
• Using hashtags in your Instagram captions increase the possibility of your posts
being seen by more unique users.
• While using hashtags, only use tags that are relevant to your brand or the content
of your post.
• Use popular hashtags and makes your post more visible.
• Hashtags helps you to get real Instagram followers.
• Instagram allows users to use up to 30 tags on each post.
A Good Instagram Caption has
Short Paragraphs
• Instagram caption is highly effective when it is relevant to the context of the post.
• It is good to divide your text into short and digestible paragraphs.
• You can also include relevant call-to-actions to the captions of your post.
• No specific way of formatting your Instagram captions. You can use methods like:
• Paragraphs,
• Bullet Points,
• Numbering,
• Any other format that you prefer and are comfortable in writing.
Make Sufficient Use of Emoticons

• Make use of emoticons or emoji's, as they are called today.

• Emoji's are so interactive and make text look creative and become an ongoing trend on
almost every social media platforms, especially on Instagram.
• Nearly 50% of the comments on Instagram contain emojis in them.
• Users on Instagram interact more with posts that use emojis as compared to brands that
use captions without any emoticons.
• Emoticons are one of the best ways of expressing the core emotion of the content in your
• Use emoticons in creative ways for your captions.
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