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In the first pot, she put some carrots.

In the second pot, she put some eggs.

In the third pot, she put some coffee beans
that had been grounded into coffee
She boiled all three pots for 15 minutes.
Afterwards, she took out what she had
put in the pot of boiling water.
The carrots which were
hard became soft.

The eggs which were soft

inside became hard.
The coffee powder

But the water had the

color and the
wonderful smell of
Then, she thought of her life as a teacher.

It is not always easy.

It is not always

The life of a teacher is

trying and difficult.
Things don’t happen as we

People don’t treat us as we


We work very hard but get few results.

The boiling water is like the
problems in our life as teachers.
We can be like the carrots.

We go in We come out
tough and strong. soft and weak.
We get exhausted.
We lose hope.
We give up.

We lose our fighting

We can be like the eggs.

We start with a We end up very

soft and hard and unfeeling
sensitive heart. inside.
We hate our job.
We don’t like our

We become

The warm feeling is gone,

only bitterness remains.
We can be like the coffee beans.

The water does

not change the
coffee powder.

The coffee powder

changes the water!
The water has become different because of
the coffee powder.

You can see it.

You can smell it.
You can taste it.

The hotter the water, the better the taste.

We can be like the coffee beans.

We can make something good out of

the difficulties we face in school.
We have the knowledge,
the skills, and the

We have the potentials to change the lives

of our students for the better.
We can make our school a better place for
work and learning.
To succeed, we must try… and try again.
We must believe in what we are doing.
We must not give up.
We must be patient.
We must keep pushing.

handle with care

The problems and difficulties at school give us the
chance to become stronger… and tougher …and
better teachers.
What are we like when things
do not go well in school?

Are we like the carrots…

or the eggs…

or the coffee beans?

Be like
Change the
around you at
school. Influence
them with your
good work…even
if others resist
…even if others
harbor ill feelings
against you.
…be a positive
Bring about
After all, in the
final analysis,

God will be your


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