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final exam:
today we going to present an innovator item. I am going to be the person who has the
idea, Brandon and Santiago are the investors. Brandon is the person who approves the
idea and Santiago is going to declines it.
• Andrea: Hello, how are you?
• Santiago: fine
• Brandon: im good and you?
• Andrea: in fine. Please take a sit
• Brandon: Andrea we are here to listen your innovation idea.
• Andrea: ok. That is my idea.
Our world it’s in constantly change and in those times is very important to think in the
climate change. for that reason, I think in a new product that is going to help the event
planner and it’s going to be environmentally friendly.
• Santiago: yeah, we need to think in event sustainability
• Brandon: continue with the idea, please
• Andrea: the idea is creating a bracelet for the biggest events that our city has, for
example in Plaza Mayor. That its one of the most important places to do events in
The idea of the bracelet is recovered information of the user and for the stands of the
event, also has the maps of the place for a better ubication.
• Santiago: yeah, we need to think in event sustainability
• Brandon: continue with the idea, please
• Andrea: the idea is creating a bracelet for the biggest events that our city has, for
example in Plaza Mayor. That its one of the most important places to do events in
• The idea of the bracelet is recovered information of the user and for the stands of the
event, also has the maps of the place for a better ubication.
• Santiago: That sounds very interesting.
• Brandon: Yeah, it could be a great idea for our events
• Andrea: ok, I’m glad that you like the propose.
• Continuing, the idea is that people in the events has de bracelet, and when they get
to entrance of the place, put the bracelet in a scanner and in a PANTALLA is going to
appear, the information of the persons: name, ID, the kind of ticket that they brought.
And when they trough out for the stands could ESCANEAR a QR code for has
information of the stand. There we are saving paper, because they don’t have to give
flyers or things like that.
• Brandon: I think that it’s an excellent idea. It must be so NOVEDOSO for the users.
Also, for our company could be BENEFICIOSO because we SERIAMOS the first
company with this technology
• Santiago: Mmmmm I think that its no a good idea. Because in any moment the
system could FALLAR and it’s a big problem. The EXPOSITORES PONDRAN
PROBLEMA and we couldn’t solve the problem.

• Andrea: We GARANTIZAMOS if the person has internet in his cellphone, the system
works perfectly. The bracelet connect to the cell via Bluetooth
• Brandon:
Do you guarantee us fluids in the system? I remember people who have gone wrong
in other events because of the provider. Maybe the bracelet has another way to
connect with the system?
• Andrea: yes. Can be connected by an application.

• Maya: That sounds Good. It’s a better option. And the application is free or do you
have to pay?
• Andrea: its free for 1 year. The idea is that the client adapts to the bracelet and after
the year becomes a premium user and it would cost 10.000 pesos per month
• Brandon: and what are the benefits of the premium user?

• Andrea: they will have discounts on event tickets, they will be the first to find out
about the big events. and all the information will be on their cell phones
• Brandon: Santiago what do you think? I like it a lot.
• Santiago: Anyway, I have many doubts. It can be a successful product but I'm
not convinced yet. Let me discuss it with my partner
• Andrea: For me its ok. Any doubt let me know, I will be attentive.
• Brandon: Andrea thank you so much. We see you soon

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