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‘What if?’ Metropolis.

Crit Presentation.
By Jasmine Masters.
Travelogue Extract.

“You don’t simply stumble across the city of Baucis upon a whim, it takes a seven
day trek through the Baucisian woodland in search for the city on slender
flamingo leg stilts; hidden within the troposphere of the earth’s atmosphere
where the clouds fog your vision to what lies above. To surface the city there is an
unsteady climb through its exiguous supports as it twists and turns like a spiral up
through the centre shaft, and when you feel like you finally reach the peak of your
climb you have yet to go further still. …Baucis structural position is so that that
earth below can grow and prosper; as if it was never touched by mankind alike.
The Baucisians love the earth; they adore it through telescopes and spyglasses
with much to observe but never to touch.”
Baucis Influence
Refined 16:9 Concept Art.
Key Assets - Colour Sketches with Refined Details 1.
Key Assets - Colour
Sketches with Refined
Details 2.
Matte Painting.
Final Render.
Final Matte Painting.

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