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Drone 2 Rigging:

- Major.
- Pose Space Deformers (Corrective blend shapes).
Setting Up Workspace.
• Selected joint and went to the the
deform menu in the modelling tool set
and then went down to Pose Space
Deformation and across to pose editor.
• With the new window open I changed
the window settings from the default to
the advanced menu set ready to start
creating the corrective blend shapes.
Setting Up First Blend Shape.

Then with the joint selected I clicked on the create pose interpolator. From there I then arranged the arm
into its downward position and clicked ‘add pose’ and renamed it L_Shoulder_2_blendShape#. Then clicked
create pose shape.
Used the polygon sculpt tool to relaxed the vertices in the shoulder geometry to also help prevent pulling
Wire popping out
of socket need to

From there I then proceeded to work through the rest of the arm positions working from the shoulder down
the wrist. This one being with the arm down and lifted forward. Here I also found the wire pops out of the
wire socket and them jumps back in so will need to look into this further to prevent the popping.
Arm Down and Lifted Backward

Found I still had that wire popping problem, but managed to clean up the deformation from
rotating the shoulder backward. There is still some pulling but rotation is cleaner, however; I find
the pulling adds a bit more movement to the arm and helps break up that rigidity.
Added in Arm Twists to Shoulder Joint.

Wire Popping

This helped clean up the wire popping marginally, but still needs work to stop popping.
Elbow Blend Shape.

Clipping in the corner of the elbow where the rubber connecter sits, corrected this by
rearranging the mesh and turning it into a blend shape to accommodate for the middle section
of the rubber. Here I also used the and sculpt tool to relax the vertices to help the mesh shift
when elbow is bent.
Wrist Blend Shapes.
Adjusted the wrist movement to try and negate
pulling in the forearm. Also found I need to
adjust the wrist cuff to better flow with the
wrist movement.
Mirror Blend Shapes to Right Arm

To mirror blend shapes across I selected the main blend shape

cluster in the pose editor and then selected all the blend shapes
in the right hand window. From there I then went to the edit
option in the window and down to mirror; this brought up a new
window where I had to make sure the symmetry axis was set to
Object, I then hit apply. I then set the source and target joints in
the next window where I set the source to be from the Left arm
(L_) and the target to be the right arm (R_) then hit ‘ok’. This then mirrored the blend shapes over. I repeated this process
for the elbow and wrist. However I did find I had some trouble setting the right shoulder blend shapes and found It to be
easier to redo the blend shape than mirror as I found mirroring to heavily deform the left arm when the right shoulder was
Set Joint Restrictions on Controls and Repeated on Other Side

I then set limitations on the controls to help negate any unwanted movement and further
deformation to the mesh; starting from the should and working my way down to the wrist. To
do this I went into the attributes and found the control and then went down to limit
information and the opened the rotate tab and started adding in the rotation limits for each
control. This was then repeated on the other arm.
Adding Extra Joints to Support Wire Popping.

Finally got the wire to stay in it’s socket and stop

it from popping out by adding in extra joints and
parenting them the shoulder 1 joint. From there
I then selected the new joints and then the arm
mesh and went to skin > add influence options
and selected the checkmark for Weight Locking
and set it at 0. I then preceded to re-establish
the painted weights in that area to weight the
end of the wire to the new joints. With this set I
then went back and adjusted my blend shape for
the wire in the shoulder blend shape cluster.

>> Site used to help add in new joints to already bind

Drone 2 Outcome.

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