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At the start:
When i start with the body that was made by a sphere, i created the teeth by selecting the area on the sphere i wanted use as teeth and shift+ drag.
Though while making them, i ran into some trouble since the tip of the sphere has triangles and no matter how i cut, extrude, bevel, they will still have triangles.

Then i decided to make a new body that was easier to manage, it was created by a box. In order to turn it into a sphere, i used Edit Poly+ Turbosmooth and
then converted it into Convertable Poly so there are segment on the sphere.
The segments of this sphere are easier to be seen and manage, i used extrude to create the texture of the teeth and add a shell layer on top
Final body:
I tested again with the sphere and this time instead of using the tip as the front, i turned the tips to the side and then, deleted the triangles part on the tip,
extruded+ bridged each segments on the cap.
For the mouth, i selected the place i wanted to shape, then used extrude and connect to refine the edge by connect before using turbosmooth
I made the teeth by selecting the area on the body, shift+drag and extruded to give the Then I used swiftloop+extrude to create the teeth texture.
planes some shapes.

In order to keep the teeth shape that i wanted, I used swift-

loop to refined the shape before using turbosmooth
Due to the first screw i made doesn’t fit the hole, i created another one by selecting the inner part and the extrude so that the screw’s body would fit into the
extrude part i made, then i refined the shape of the screw so it didn’t look weird in turbosmooth
The new screw fits better and looks more natural than the old one. Comparing in size, the new screw’s body was larger than the old one.
For the handle on the screw, I had to make it twice because the segments on the first handle didn’t match with the screw i made. After that i deleted the top and bottom
caps, i patched the holes with extrude and bridge. Then, through a series of inset, extrude and bevel, i achive the body of the handle (marked with red circle)

I used swiftloop to seperate the body, selected the area that i wanted and I used scale to adjust the handle’s edges.
extruded them to from the handle.
Also moved the vertexes to make the handle even Then i use bridge fo get rid of the uneven surface (marked with red circle) and attached it with the screw

I moved and rotated the handle to the screw and then welded the vertex- Comparing all the screws i made
es together
The armor was made by select+shift+drag.
Then I selected border, used extrude and then shell. After that, I used swiftloop to define the shape of the armor in order to give it a sharper look and
maintain before using turbosmooth.

Before and after swiftloop

I made the eyes with Capsule and by using edit poly, i deleted the other head, patched the whole with extrude and bridge. I used the same technique with
the triangles on top of the capsule

The rim outside the eyeball was made with Cylinder, i deleted its cap and then use extrude on the top and use extrude+ bridge for the bottom, shell it
before turbosmooth
Small screws:
They were the copies of the eyes and then hand-placed on the armor

I used the same technique i used for the screw’s handle, through multiple inset, extrude and bevel, i was able to achived the body of the atenna, then i put a
small sphere on top

And of course, i did remember to fix the top and

bottom of the tip too
The parts that joins the robot’s body and legs were made with Sphere.
Agains, i used extrude and bridge to fix the tri-shapes at the top and bottom. Then, I used inset and extrude to create the small space on top (marked with
red circle) and bevel to create a ring under (marked with green circle). I used swiftloop to refined the shape before using turbosmooth.
I tried to make the feet with planes but it didn’t achived the look i was going for

I started with a cylinder, then patched the top, i selected the part that i wanted, used extured. I also extured outer layer so that i could control the size and
remain the shape better than using scale. I continued to extrude to make the claws and select the outer area, move when down so i can have the claws that i
wanted (green claws)

Then, i used inset and bevel on the claws to add the pad at the bottom and Next, i extruded the top, deleted the outer area of the claws and bridge
more volume for the top part to have smooth claws
Its first leg was created by using extrude multiple times and then, selected the rings to create a ma- And just like other’s parts, i used swiftloop to refine the
chine-like chicken leg that i was aiming for. edges and shape of the legs before usinng turbos-
mooth so it can have a mechanic look

Then, i used bend and symmetry to finish the legs

Extra part:
The reason why i made this part was to create a sense of stable at the bottom end of the robot’s legs. I shift+drag it from the bottom leg of the robot and then
use extrude+bridge and turbosmooth.

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