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Basic English Grammar

Russel Butarbutar, SH.,ST.,MH.,MM
To Be Verb ( is, am, are)
Subjek Positif Negatif Question form (?)
(present) (present)

I (singular) am I’m not Am I wrong?

You (singular) are You are not Are you wrong?

They (plural) are They are not Are they wrong?

We (pluraL) are We are not Are we okay?

He (singular) is He is not Is he wrong?

She (singular) is She is not Is she wrong?

It (singular) is It is not Is it wrong?

To be (was, were)
Subjek Positif Negatif example
(Past/Lampau) (past/lampau)

I (singular) was I wasn’t I was forget

You (singular) were You weren’t Yuo were happy

They (plural) were They weren’t They were happy

We (plural) were We weren’t We were singing

He (singular) was He wasn’t He was singing

She (singular) was She wasn’t She was happy

It (singular) was It wasn’t It was beautiful

Have, Has, Had
Subjek Positif Negatif Positif (past) Negatif (Past)
(present) (present)
I have I Don’t have Had I Didn’t have
You have You Don’t have Had You Didn’t have
They have They Don’t Had They Didn’t
have have
We have We Don’t have Had We didn’t have
He has He Doesn’t Had He didn’t have
She has She Doesn’t Had She Didn’t have
It has It Doesn‘t have Had It Didn’t have
Do, Does, Did, Don’t, Doesn’t, Didn’t
Subjek Positif Negatif Positif (past) Negatif (Past)
(present) (present)
I do Don’ Did Didn’t
You Do Don’t Did Didn’t
They Do Don’t Did Didn’t
We Do Don’t Did Didn’t
He Does Doesn’t Did Didn’t
She Does Doesn’t Did Didn’t
it Does Doesn‘’t Did Didn’t
When to use she/he or her/his
Rumus Contoh
She + Verb (s/es) She likes you
He + Verb (s/es) He hates you
Her + Noun Her dog is cute
His + Noun His chicken is sexy
How to recognize a noun (n), Verb (V),
Adjective (adj), Adverb (Adv)
Verb (V) Adjective (Adj) Adverb (Adv)
Kata Kerja Kata Sifat K.Keterangan

Jenis Kata Menerangkan Example

Noun (K.Benda) Person, Place, thing cat
Verb (K.Kerja) Action word I run
Adverb Describe a verb I run slowly
Adjective Describe a noun A black cat

Verb I walk quickly = (s + Verb + adverb)

Adverb I sing loudly
Noun The cat is tired
Adjective I am hot ( Noun + to be (is, am, are) + adj/ing)
Articles (a, an, the noun)
• An  use before a vowel or vowel sound (a,e,i,o,u) ), example: an eye, an
• A  general = any, Ex: I’d like a cookie, I have a book, You have a pen,
• The  - specific = you choose
- 2nd time you talk about the same noun, ex: I bought some fruit. The fruit was
- the speaker and listener both know.
- 1% of countries = United States Of America (USA)
- = small islands = more than 2 words (Ex. Philipines, Japan)
Bad VS Good with nouns
• Too much (uncountable) too much love
will kill you (terlalu cinta akan membunuhmu).
• Too many (countable) too many people in
this room (terlalu banyak orang dalam
ruangan ini).
• A lot of (Uncountable and countable)  I have
a lot of maney, I have a lot of beer.
Me/My Self/I
• Tom and I went shopping
• My husbnad and I likes gardening
• Ryan, Paul, and I share a flat
• Shall Sarah and I help wish the dishes?
• Sheyla invited Stacy and me
• My boss asked me to stay late
• Tom’s sister reminded Jane and me to feed the
• Will Alex apologise to Chris and me?
Using Being (Present Participle)
• Why are you being silly?
• You are being naughty
• Dinner is being cooked by mother
• The man was being helped
• Being late, he couldn’t watch the match
• Being a friend of the actor, I am often invited
to his parties.

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