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Pre-Visualisation: Camera Control.

Pan Shot: Moving horizontally across a plane. For this mini project, I focused mainly on the
camera rigging within a scene. Using the
provided files I key framed motions onto the
camera, for this one it consisted of selecting 3
key frames at different position to follow the
characters from one point to the next. From
there I then exported the animatic through play
blasting the short with the settings set to
format: qt (QuickTime), encoding: H.264,
quality: 100, scale:1.00, frame padding: 4 and
save to file. Creating a pre-visual of two
characters moving thoughout the corridor.
Pitch Shot: Moving the camera from top to bottom.
From there I then looked at adding the animatics to the
pitch scene, making sure to key the pitch attributes to the
camera so that it follows the character as it descends and
then evens out.
Roll Shot: To turn or spin the camera either towards or away from the subject.
For this shot it consisted of moving the camera up as it rotates around the character looking up.
With this I also experimented with the amount of turns and the camera took as it elevated away
from the character, theses being 180 (half turn), 360 (full turn) and 720 (two turns).

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