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Pre-Visualisation: Camera Control Pt 2.

Dolly Camera Rig.

Here I looked at setting up the camera shot from a dolly camera rig; which is where the camera is placed on a wheeled
cart that goes backwards and forwards to create smooth horizontal camera movements. As seen in the scene above with
the two cowboys, where the camera focuses on the one cowboy and then transitions to the next so that you can seen
both characters in the shot about to have a stand-off.
Crane Camera Rig.

For this shot, I used a crane camera rig which allows for smooth, sweeping shots from one point to the next. In this scene
the camera uses three key frames to animate its movement. The first being the lady on the balcony, the second being the
edge of the porches roof and finally the character hiding around the corner of the house out of view from the initial
character. With the use of a crane rig the camera operator can control the shot with the crane's movement so there is no
jerky or shaky movements from point A to point B.

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