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The year the polygraph made its official entrance

into the computer age.

A. 1875
B. 1915
C. 1992
D. 1997
He is a Soviet neuropsychologist, who initiated the
research on the psycho-physiological diagnostic
instrumentation methods in criminal investigations
which began in the 1920s.
A. Alexander R. Luria
B. Angelo Mosso
C. Cleve Backster
D. Daniel Defoe
He is an Italian Physiologist who used an instrument called
plethysmograph in his research on emotion and fear in
subjects undergoing questioning and he studied the effects
of these variables on their cardiovascular and respiratory
A. Alexander R. Luria
B. Angelo Mosso
C. Cleve Backster
D. Daniel Defoe
The principle of psychological focus which holds that a
person will establish an emotional priority for that
stimulus which he perceives to represent the greatest
threat to his well-being.
A. Super Dampening
B. Control Question Technique
C. Guilt Complex
D. Anti–Climax Dampening
It is Abnormal apprehension an or fear, often
accompanied by psychological signs, behavior
symptoms or doubt concerning the nature and reality
of a threat; real or imagined.
A. Anxiety
B. Homestasis
C. Apnea
D. Dyspena
On a polygraph chart, it is generally represented by
a blocking pattern in the pneumograph tracing.
A. Anxiety
B. Homestasis
C. Apnea
D. Dyspena
That part of the peripheral nervous system
consisting of the sympathetic and the
parasympathetic nervous system.
A. Autonomic Nervous System
B. Cardiovascular System
C. Efferent Nerve Fibers
D. Endocrine Glands
It is an extension from and a part of the cytoplasm
of some nerve cells.
A. Efferent
B. Axon
C. Pons
D. Midbrain
It is the tracing on a polygraph chart, made by a pen moved
by a bellows device in connection with a closed air
pressurized circuit and an in-line cardio sphygmomanometer,
which reflects blood pressure and radial pulse in response to
an applied stimulus.
A. Dicrotic Notch
B. Cardio-Sphygmo-graph
C. Galvanograph
D. Hydrosphygmograph
They are those portions of an organism which
contain the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries.
A. Autonomic Nervous System
B. central nervous system
C. Parasysmpathetic Nervous System
D. Cardiovascular System

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