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Presentation By:
 Abdul Hadi
 Abdul Naafay
 Hussnain Mehmood
 Hamza Saeed
 Mamoon Sikander
What Is Agriculture?
It is the science or practice of farming,
including cultivation of the soil for the growing
of crops and the rearing of animals to provide
food, wool and other raw materials.
Categories Of Agricultural Products
Agricultural products fall into one of four
 Foods:
Grains and cereal crops are grown on more than half the world's
farmed acreage, Meats and dairy products like milk also are agricultural
food products, as are honey and farmed fish.
 Fuels:
Ethanol, produced from corn, sugarcane, or sorghum, is the
agricultural fuel product in the widest use.
 Fibers:
Fiber crops include cotton, wool, and silk.
 Raw materials:
These are agricultural products used to make other agricultural
Types of Machinery used in Agriculture

 Fertilizers
 Pesticides
 Insecticides
Advantages of Using Of Machinery In Agriculture

The advantages of using machinery in agriculture is that it speeds up

the process and also saves a lot of labour cost, thus maximizing profit.
Machinery is also way more efficient than manual labour. On the
other hand, pesticides, insecticides and fertilizers help to give the
required nutrients to the crop.
Insecticides and pesticides help to keep the pests and other
insects away which may be harmful for the crops.
Insecticides and pesticides help to keep the pests and other
insects away which may be harmful for the crops.

Disadvantages of using machinery in

They are used to kill insects however, they are non-biodegradable,
meaning they cannot be broken down by microorganisms.
Insecticides may be carried by rainwater into streams, rivers and
lakes. DDT is insoluble in water which may store in the fatty tissues
of animals. This results in the insecticide being passed along food
Disadvantages of using machinery in
Fertilizers may increase the yield of crops but it’s overuse may cause
water pollution. Fertilizers that are not absorbed by the crops may
get washed away by rainwater into nearby lakes and rivers. These
fertilizers contain nitrates and phosphates which are useful nutrients
for the growth of algae. Profuse growth of algae occur as a result of
the enrichment of nutrients in these water bodies. This is called
eutrophication. Submerged plants and algae die due to lack of
sunlight. Their dead bodies get decomposed by bacteria.
Some pictures related to
agricultural pollution
Solutions to Agricultural pollution
Adopting Nutrient Management Techniques:
Farmers can improve nutrient management techniques by applying
nutrients in the right amount, in the right time and with the right method.
Ensuring year round ground cover:
Farmers can plant cover crops to prevent periods of the bare grounds
on farm fields when the soil are most susceptible to erosion and loss into
Planting Field Buffers:
Farmers can plant trees along the edges of the field especially for a
field bordering a water body so it can prevent nutrient loss by absorbing
or filtering out nutrients before they reach a water body.
Implementing Conservation Tillage:
Farmers can reduce how often and how intensely the fields are tilted.
Doing so can help to reduce erosion, runoff, and soil compaction, and
therefore the chances of nutrients reaching waterways.

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