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(Lie Detection)
Criminalistic 5
What is a Polygraph?

✣ Polygraph - a word derived from the Greek

Many Writings

⨳ Is a machine that is used by law enforcement to

test the physiological responses of individuals
to a certain questions.

■ Heart rate(pulse)
■ Blood pressure
■ Respiratory rate
■ How much a person sweat
Analog Polygraph Machine
Digital Polygraph Machine
Middle Ages

✣ Since the beginning of time man has been

looking for an efficient way to flush out the
lie. Various innovative techniques were tried.
Some were ridiculous, other cruel, but they
were all based on the assumption
that some physiological reaction
occurred when a person was
confronted with a specific event
under investigation and that this
Polygraphy in
reaction would have a detectable the Middle-ages
external manifestation.
Daniel Defoe

✣ In 1730, British novelist Daniel Defoe wrote

an essay entitled “An Effectual Scheme for
the Immediate Preventing of Street
Robberies and Suppressing all Other
Disorders of the Night”.

⨳ Pulse taking
Angelo Mosso

✣ In 1878, science first came to the aid of the

truth seeker through the research of Italian
physiologist Angelo Mosso.

Sir James Mackenzie

✣ Sir James Mackenzie, M.D., constructed the

clinical polygraph in 1892.
✣ In 1906, he refined his clinical polygraph of
1892 when he devised the clinical ink
Cesare Lombroso

✣ 1895 when Italian physician, psychiatrist and

pioneer criminologist Cesare Lombroso
modified an existing instrument called a graph modified
hydrosphygmograph. by Cesare
Lombroso to
✣ He used this modified device in his
experiments to measure the physiological
changes that occurred in a crime suspect’s
blood pressure and pulse rate during a
police interrogation.
Vittorio Benussi

✣ In 1914, Italian psychologist Vittorio Benussi

discovered a method for calculating the
quotient of the inhalation to exhalation time
as a means of verifying the truth and
detecting deception in a subject
⨳ “Pneumograph”
Dr. William Moulton Marston

✣ An american attorney and psychologist, is

credited with inventing am early form of the
lie detector when, in 1915, he developed the
discontinuous systolic blood pressure test
his systolic
pressure test
John A. Larson

✣ In 1921, John A. Larson, a canadian

psychologist employed by the Berkeley
Police Department, in California, developed
what many consider to be the original lie
✣ He named his instrument polygraph
✣ Simultaneously measure changes
original lie detector by John A. Larson
Leonarde Keeler
(Father of Polygraph)

✣ 1925, Leonarde Keeler, who had gained

firsthand experience in polygraph
✣ “Ink pens”
✣ In 1938, he further refined the polygraph
when he added a third physiological
measuring component for the detection of
deception “psychogalvanometer”
✣ 1948, he establish the world’s first polygraph
school -“The Keeler Polygraph Institute” –
Chicago, Illinois
John E. Reid

✣ In 1947, John E. Reid, a lawyer from

Chicago, Illinois, developed the Control
Question Technique (CQT), a polygraph
technique that incorporated control
question(comparison) which were designed
to be emotionally arousing for non-deceptive
subjects and less emotionally arousing for
deceptive subjects.
Cleve Backster

✣ In 1960, Backster Zone Comparison

Technique (ZCT) a polygraph technique
✣ Introduced a quantification system of chart
Dr. Joseph F. Kubis

✣ In 1962, The Study of the use of computers

in the physiological detection of deception
has progressed through several phases.

✣ In the late 1970s, Fordham University in

New York City, was the first researcher to
use potential computer applications for the
purpose of polygraph chart analysis
Dr. John C. Kircher
David C. Raskin

✣ During the 1980s, research was conducted

on computerized polygraph at the University
of Utah.
✣ In 1988, they developed the Computer
Assisted Polygraph System (CAPS).

Dr. John C. Kircher Dr. David C. Raskin

Dr. Dale E. Olsen
John C. Harris

✣ In 1992, the polygraph made its official

entrance into the computer age.

✣ In 1993, statisticians Dr. Olsen and Dr.

Harris at John Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory, in Maryland, completed
a software program called Polyscore.

✣ PolyScore 3.0 Polygraph Software was

developed by analyzing the data from
polygraph examinations administered in
⨳ 624 real criminal cases
■ 303 suspects were non-deceptive
■ 321 suspects were deceptive
✣ PolyScore 5.1(2003) Polygraph Software
was developed by analyzing the data from
polygraph examinations administered in
⨳ 1, 441 real criminal cases

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