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SENTENCE -Heru Saefudin Rizky

-Muhamd Gatot Riyadi
In Indonesian, conditional sentences are conditional -Muhamad Alfazirah
sentences , also referred to as conditional sentences,
which may occur if the conditions are met.

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, conditional

sentence adalah kalimat pengandaian, bisa juga
disebut dengan kalimat bersyarat, yang mungkin terjadi
jika syarat terpenuhi.
Conditional sentences have two parts, namely if-clause and main clause
Conditional sentence mempunyai dua bagian, yaitu if-clause dan main clause.

"If I study hard, I will pass the exam."

If-Clause Main Clause

(Jika saya belajar dengan giat, saya akan lulus ujian.)

◎ Conditional Sentences
◎ Types:
◎ 👉There are 4 types of conditional sentences.
They are classified according to their specific implication.

👉Each type of conditional sentences uses different tenses to


show the difference in their implication


Type 0 :Conditional Sentence type 0 or zero conditional is used when result/

consequence (result) of condition (condition) is always realized because it is a scientific
fact or general general truth which is a habit.
(Conditional ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu kejadian umum yang selalu
terjadi/ secara logika pasti)
Formula Conditional Sentence Type 0 :
if + Simple present tense, Simple present tense

Example :

- If you pour oil into water, it floats

(Jika kamu menuangkan minyak ke dalam air, minyak itu akan mengapungka)
- If water reaches 100 degresss, it boils
(Jika suhu air mencapai 100 derajat, air akan mendidih)

Simple Present Tense Simple Present Tense


Conditional Sentence Type 1 or first conditional is used when the result/consequence

Of condition has the possibility to be realized in the future because the conditions are
Realistic to be fulfilled.
(Conditional ini kemungkinan besar bisa terpenuhi atau terjadi)

Formula Conditional Sentence Type 1 :

if + simple present, simple future “will” / imperative

Example :
-If I feel sick, I will not go to school.
(Jika saya merasa sakit, saya tidak akan pergi ke sekolah)
-If it rains tomorrow, the match will be cancelled
(Jika besok hujan, pertandingan akan dibatalkan

Simple present tense Simple future


Conditional Sentence Type 2 or second conditional is used when the result ? Consequence
Of the condition does not have or only a few it is likely to be realized because the condition
May not be fulfilled in the present or the conditions are difficult to fulfill in the future.

(Conditional ini hal yang tidak mungkin atau tidak pernah terjadi karena yang dikondisikan adalah
Bentuk lampau.)

Formula Conditional Sentence Type 2 :

if + simple past tense + past future tense

Example :
- If I were you, I would not do something likes that.
(Jika aku adalah kamu, aku tidak akan melakukan hal seperti itu)
- If he were a bird, he would fly across the harbour.
(Jika dia seekor burung , dia akan terbang melintasi pelabuhan)

Simple past Past future tense


Conditional Sentence Type 3 or third conditional is used when the result / consequence
Of the condition is not possible because the conditons must have been fulfilled in the past.

(Conditional ini tidak ada kemungkinan terwujud ada kemungkinan terwujud jika cpnditionalnya
Sudah dipenuhi dimasa lalu/lampau)
Formula Conditional Sentence Type 3 :
if + past perfect tense , would / should/ could + have+ past participle

Example :
-If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party

Past perfect Would + past paticiple


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