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The Lucky Plaza

Dinah Roma
A poet Engaged with the world
Dinah Roma is a poet, scholar and associate
professor at De La Salle University , manila. As a Poet,
Roma was nurtuned by the Siliman Writers Workshop in
Dumaguete under the tutelage of the late Edith and
Edilberto Tiempo. Her talent was proven in her widely-
read books, such as A Feast of Origins, Geographies
of Light, and the latest in 2014, Naming the ruins.
The poem “The Lucky Plaza” refers to the lucky Town
Plaza in Singapore, which is a place known for different
thrifts shops owned by migrants. Roma Looks at the
place as metonymic to one’s fate, a “ lucky” one. The
speaker in the ends, finds redemption in misery as she
realizes that she is “Wiser by the hour as the tensile/
Dinah roma’s “The lucky Plaza” uses the
place “Lucky plaza” as symbolic of the
popular culture among Filipino migrants or
workers in singapore for it functions as a
place in which the homeland philippines is
reminisced through a gathering among
fellow Filipinos stores.
Symbol- donates something larger
than just the thing it names, and is
usally developed though culture.

Irony- is the root sense of

dissembling or hiding what is
actually the case, not, however in
order decieve but to achieve special
rhetorical or artistic effects.

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