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Group 1

• Binislakan is a Filipino Folk Dance performed with stick known as
“bislak”.Binislakan folk dance came to the Philippines with Chinese
immigrants.The dance is was used commemorate the Chinese
Pirate,Limahong,who built a kingdom in Lingayen.
•When they arrived home and we’re asked what way they look in
return,they would simply say through Lingayen meaning looking back
since then up to the present time,the town bears it’s name as
“Lingayen”.Lingayen is the home of the most delectable bagoong.
Lingayen in Pangasinan means having to look backward and upward.It
was derived from “Li-King-Tuang”a Chinese word given to the name
“Lingayen”,the capital of Pangasinan,by the Chinese settlers of this
plate a long a time ago.

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