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Fantastic Voyage.

- Market Research.
Exploring existing material.

• Riffs off ‘The Blob’ 1958 trailer

through the short snappy inter cards
and high pitched music.
• But is factual and gets the
idea/information across to the
viewers and is easy to understand.
• Grabs the audiences attention
straight away and is possibly aimed
at secondary school students. Stylized.

• Goes down more of a interspace world route while

giving information to go along with the animation.
• The target audience is most probably aimed at
secondary school students.
• I find however it does not grab the viewers attention
as they aren’t pulled into the world the animator is
trying to make. This then leading to the audience to
not retaining the information as well as they could
since there is no formal use of communication in the Stylized.

• Interesting visuals.
• Lacks that narration of what id happening,
leaving the viewer guessing what is
• Target audience would most likely be for
those who need to see the visuages of a
process and then apply their knowledge.
• However from a learning point of view it lacks
key terms and explanation to guide students Stylized.
through the process.

• Clean and simple with use of key terminology

to bring in different topics for further
research and understanding.
• Target audience aimed at students and
possibily visual learners despite lacking
information to explain the cycle.


• Time-lapse shows movement of slime

mold and some of its different stages.
• No narrative – purely visual to gain
understanding of how the mold moves.


• Time-lapse with voice over to explain the

characteristics and processes of the slime
• Information kept simple and easy to
understand, with aid of visuals to show the
processes of the slime mold life cycle

Target Audience.
Target audiences are focus groups for companies and creators to create content for whether this be in the form of
entertainment, advertising, communications, media or to get across information. Through defining the target
audience it allows the content to be ‘streamlined’ for that particular groups understanding and/or visual appeal to
keep them engaged.

So for this project I can look at the following target audiences:

• Students.
• Primary Education.
• Secondary Education.
• Further Education / Degree level.

With the topic of slime molds, I feel that it could be aimed more at secondary education students studying for their
GCSEs. Meaning they would need to know the basic terminology and have a clear understanding of the subject
matter, to then be able to effectively convey the cycle when asked to recall it under exam conditions. Alternatively
with this approach it may also be accessible for those who are curious about the subject matter and wish to know
more without having to read pages of content and not understand all the science going on behind the scientific

From experience in science lessons and talking to others, most struggle to understand or become engaged in the
topic if they don’t understand it straight away. But if they had the basic key points of the content being taught
through visuals and audio then they may have found it easier to get to grips with and fully understand what they
are learning. Most young students also tend to stray away from reading as the process can be seen as boring and
time consuming; some students not even seeing the point of researching and reading to find the answers and
instead wait for the teacher or peers to spoon feed them the answers. Which does not then engage them and allow
for the information to be retained. So I can look for ways to visually capture and engage young audiences so that
they are reading and taking in the information being shown within the clip.
Appeals of Target Audience
• Target Audience: Secondary School Pupils.

In the classroom pupils may start to get distracted if the topic they are learning isn’t particularly interesting,
so for them to learn effectively steps need to be put in place so that they feel inclined to learn.

From researching I came across a page called ThoughtCo. In the article by Melissa Kelly, it proposes ideas to
gain students interests in lessons; some of these included the ideas of ‘’Authentic Learning, Make Learning
Objectives Obvious, Hands On Learning And Cross-curricular Connections’’. The one that caught my attention
the most was ‘’Make Learning Objectives Obvious.’’ as Kelly talks about students not understanding the topic
and then becoming unmotivated to learn the topic at hand -
“Many times what appears to be an unmotivated student is really just a young person who is afraid to
reveal how overwhelmed she[/he] feels. Certain topics can be overwhelming because of the amount of
information and details involved. … with a road map, through accurate learning objectives, that shows
them exactly what it is you want them to learn can help allay some of these concerns.’’ (Kelly, 2019)
With this in mind I can look to create an animation that makes learning more interesting and engaging for
students while making sure they get all the key facts and knowledge required for answering questions when
in exam if the topic comes up.

Kelly, M. (2019) What to Do When Students Lack Interest. At: (Accessed: 9/03/20) In-text
Citation: (Kelly, 2019).

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