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Noun and Noun Phrase in


Agus Wibowo 1
What is a sentence?

 Serangkaian kata yang paling sedikit mempunyai
subyek dan predikat (Verb); mempunyai arti yang
e.g: Which one is grammatically correct?
1. People very good at using technology.
2. A computer require an OS to run programs.
3. Windows and Mac are the most commonly used OS.

Agus Wibowo 2
What is noun phrase?
 serangkaian kata yang tidak mempunyai
subyek dan predikat (Verb); tidak mempunyai
arti yang lengkap.
 Noun Phrase adalah frasa antara noun,
pronoun, atau number (berfungsi sebagai
head word) dengan satu atau lebih
Catatan : (head word=key word=principal Noun)

Agus Wibowo 3
Fungsi Noun Phrase
 Frasa kata benda ini digunakan ketika
single noun tidak cukup spesifik untuk
menunjuk suatu kata benda.  
 The woman is my sister.
 The fair-skinned woman with a red T-shirt
and black skirt is my sister.

Agus Wibowo 4
The Formation of Noun Phrase

1. Determiners + noun
a. A computer
b. These computers
c. My computer (s)
d. Some computers

2. Determiner (+modifiers) +noun

a. Some really useful used computers
b. an interesting new game
c. The two preview product designs

Agus Wibowo 5
The Formation of Noun Phrase

3. Determiner (+modifiers) + noun + (modifying phrases

and clauses)
a. The two preview product designs with the new
company logo
b. Some really useful used computers made in
c. an interesting new game that we developed last

Agus Wibowo 6
Head terdiri atas:
 noun (kata benda), baik singular & plural countable
 (contoh: student, cat, & job), maupun
uncountable noun (contoh: sugar, cheese, &
 numeral/number; yaitu:
ordinal numbers (contoh: first, second, & third),
cardinal numbers (contoh: one, two, & ten), dan
general ordinal (contoh: next, last, previous, dan
 adjective (kata sifat); contoh: rich & poor

Agus Wibowo 7
Determiner Head
No Pre Central Post Noun Pronoun Numeral Adjective Noun Phrase

1 all the many trees all the many trees

2 the first the first
3 four times his salary four times his salary

4 the next the next

5 the rich the rich

Agus Wibowo 8
Determiner Contoh Contoh Noun Phrase
double the books, twice the money,
multiplier double, twice, three times
three times the bottles

one-third of the students,

one-third, two-fifths,
fraction two-fifths of the water,
three-quarter of the visitors
distributive both, all, half all shops, both cars, half the price

quite, rather, not really, quite a difference, rather a fool,

indeed not really a mistake, indeed a job

what a beautiful view,

exclamative what, such
such a girlfriend
article a, an, the a rhinoceros, an orange, the building

this computer, that house,

demonstrative this, that, these, those
these netbooks, those birds

Central my bag, your job, his jacket,

my, your, his, her, our,
possessive her scarf, our shoes, their idea,
its cage

which, what
one, two, second, fourth,
next, last the next page, the fourth floor

each donut, every student,

Post each, every, any, some, any news, some food,
quantifier few, little, few problems, little food,
many, much, several many people, much time,
several fish
Agus Wibowo 9
Complex Noun Phrase

Complex noun phrase adalah frasa kata

benda yang disusun oleh beberapa
komponen sehingga menjadikan frasa
menjadi lebih rumit.

Agus Wibowo 10
Komponen Complex Noun Phrase

Complex Keterangan
Noun Phrase
Pre-modifiers terdiri dari determiners, adjective, adjective phrase, participle, & kata
benda lain.

Head terdiri dari noun, pronoun, atau numeral/number, & adjective

Post-Modifiers terdiri dari prepositional phrase, participle, to infinitive, relative clause,


Agus Wibowo 11
Komponen Head NP
Komponen Head
pada Complex Keterangan Contoh
Noun Phrase

noun student, cat, job

baik singular dan plural countable maupun
uncountable/mass sugar, cheese, tolerance

pronoun hanya dapat ditambahkan post determiners

numeral/number numbers terdiri dari: first, second, third

1.ordinal numbers
2.general ordinal next, last, previous,
3.cardinal numbers subsequent
cardinal numbers hanya dapat
ditambahkan post-determiners. one, two, & ten

adjective kata sifat rich, poor, beautiful

Agus Wibowo 12
Komponen Pre-modifier
Pre- Keterangan Contoh Noun Phrase

determiner terdiri dari: pre, central,

dan/atau post determiner all the people, a cat

adverb very beautiful girl, too terrible report, so generous

kata keterangan woman

adjective kata sifat dapat

digunakan lebih dari satu
dengan mengacu pada
urutan tertentu a smart girl, a messy room, the hot issue

participles terdiri dari: a drinking water, the disturbing picture, a sleeping child
participle a qualified worker, the chosen, recipe,
2.passive/past participle a drunk man

kata benda work station, the cozy-train station,

lain - the garden of the house
Agus Wibowo 13
Komponen Post-modifier
Post- Keterangan Contoh Noun Phrase

adjective khusus someone special, somebody helpful, something stupid

untuk indefinite
pronouns atau
kasus tertentu

prepositional a cup of tea, the man from Bandung, the dog with the
phrase muzzle

participle terdiri dari: the teacher writting on the whiteboard, the

active/present man driving to the post office, the girl singing with me
passive/past The ball hit by the athlete, the money saved in the bank,
participle the carpet put on the floor

to infinitive the food to eat, the book to read

relative adjective clause friends who support me, the city where I studied, the
clause cat that has three kittens.

Agus Wibowo 14
Contoh penggunaan Principal Noun dan Pre
Modifier dalam Noun Phrase dalam kalimat:

 The beautiful, big, antique, square, brown, Indonesian,

handmade, teak, kitchen cupboard is mine.
The basic sentence: The cupboard is mine.
 I like the beautiful, big, antique, square, brown,
Indonesian, handmade, teak, kitchen cupboard. The
basic sentence : I like the cupboard.
 He owns a small, car factory.
The basic sentence : He owns a factory.
 They made a step–by–step plan.
The basic sentence : They made a plan.

Agus Wibowo 15
 She climbed the five–story building.
The basic sentence : She climbed the building.
 She is a mathematics teacher.
The basic sentence : He is a teacher.
 They are English speaking students.
The basic sentence : They are students.
 The pretty lady (Wanita yang cantik itu) An NP

 The lady is pretty. (Wanita itu cantik) A sentence

Agus Wibowo 16
feelings negative feelings
They are negative feelings based on an individual’s
they are based on an individual’s poor behaviour poor behaviour

The are multinational large multinational
They are large companies which operate
They operate in international markets in international markets

It is the third. The third feature of cultural
It is about cultural feedback. feedback illustrated in the
It is illustrated in the comments comments in Sample 2
The comments are in sample 2

aspect the specific aspect of her writing

It is her about writing that shows improvement in the
It is specific present draft
It shows improvement
The improvement is in the present draft

deter relative / preposi-

miner adverb adjective noun noun participle tional
clause phrase

given about
a very interesting grammar lesson noun
by Bob
Contoh Complex Noun Phrase
1. The very big boarding school in this country that was built in
2. A love letter put on my bag
3. The handsome man to trust for all the things
4. Any programming language reference books
5. A good book to read before bedtime
6. The first to recognize the phenomenon
7. All the many people at the party who I attended last night
8. The rich from England
9. A student studying under the palm tree
10. The red sport car that I bought at the showroom that is located
on Strawberry street that…

Agus Wibowo 19
Penggunaan ‘S dalam NP
 ’S dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan
milik orang atau binatang dalam Noun
 John’s computer (Principal Noun–nya computer, dan John’s
merupakan Pre Modifier yang berupa Determiner)
 John’s computers

 John’s friend’s house

 John’s friend’s houses

 The bird’s nest

 The bird’s nests.

Agus Wibowo 20
’S dapat digunakan untuk pola waktu +
’s + noun
 Yesterday's newspaper
 One hour’s walk (One–hour walk)

 Two hours’ journey (Two–hour journey)

 Three years’ imprisonment (Three–year


Agus Wibowo 21
Kata benda dalam bentuk jamak tidak
boleh digunakan untuk Pre Modifier
kecuali kata benda tersebut memang
berakhiran dengan S.
 A mathematics teacher
 Two–hours journey* (salah)

Agus Wibowo 22
Contoh penggunaan ’S dalam Noun Phrase
dalam kalimat:
 John’s computer is powerful.

 John’s computers are powerful.

 I am looking for yesterday’s newspaper.

 He was sentenced to three years’


Agus Wibowo 23
Penggunaan ‘OF’ pada NP

OF sebagai preposisi dalam Noun Phrase

Untuk menyatakan milik selain manusia
dan binatang
 Contoh:
 The legs of the table (the table legs).

Principal Noun–nya: legs.

Agus Wibowo 24
Contoh penggunaan OF dalam Noun
Phrase lainnya:
The meeting of the members of the club
The city of Jakarta (Jakarta city)
The academy of foreign languages

Agus Wibowo 25
Contoh penggunaan OF dalam Noun
Phrase dalam kalimat:
The city of Jakarta is dangerous.
(The city is dangerous.)
The legs of the table are broken.
(The legs are broken.)
The meeting of the members of the club was cancelled.
(The meeting was cancelled.)

Agus Wibowo 26
Pengembangan Kalimat Tunggal

Pengembangan Kalimat Tunggal dengan

Pre Modifiers dan Post Modifiers dalam
Noun Phrases serta Adverbial Phrases

Last week, the new instructor of

programming languages, as well as his
assistants, was absent yesterday.

Agus Wibowo 27
 Kalimat dasarnya: The instructor was absent.
(Dari pola kalimat tunggal I)
 Last week (Adverbial of Time), the instructor
(Principal Noun dalam Noun Phrase sebagai
unsur pokok Subyek), of programming
languages, as well as his assistants (Post
Modifier), was absent (Kata Kerja Penghubung
(= Lingking Verb) Be yang diikuti kata sifat
sebagai unsur pokok Predikat)

Agus Wibowo 28
The thin, tall, old, Javanese woman typing
in that staff room works industriously at
this company every day except Sundays
from seven a. m. to four p. m. to finance
her son’s study at one of the departments
of information technology of the private
universities in the special region of

Agus Wibowo 29
 Kali mat dasar kalimat di atas: The woman works. (Dari pola
kalimat tunggal III)
 The thin, tall, old, Javanese (Pre Modifier) woman (Principal
Noun dalam Noun Phrase sebagai unsur pokok Subyek) typing in
that staff room (Post Modifier) works (Kata Kerja Intransitif (=
Intransitive Verb) sebagai unsur pokok Predikat) industriously
(Adverb Of Manner) at this company (= Adverbial Of Place) every
day except Sundays from seven a. m. to four p. m. (Adverbial Of
Time) to finance her son’s study (Adverbial Of Purpose) at one of
the departments of information technology of the private
universities in the special territory of Yogyakarta (Adverbial Of

Agus Wibowo 30
Activity 1
Rewrite the Principal Noun in Each of the Following Noun Phrases

1. Portrait and Landscape orientation options.

2. Tiny, magnetized or unmagnetized core.
3. A change in the printable page on the screen.
4. The selection at the left of the top line of icons.
5. The versatility of an electronic machine for processing data.
6. The standard measure of distance on a computer screen.
7. A straight line between the starting point and the cursor.
8. On and off switches inside the mechanism.
9. The diagram accompanying the selection.
10. The nine tools used to draw, shape, outline, view and fill

Agus Wibowo 31
Rewrite the Principal Noun in Each of the Following
Noun Phrases.

1. unreasonable expectations of an improvement in conditions

2. some interesting books on astronomy that he had found
3. several remarkably good student essays on the theory of evolution
4. a visit to the house where she had been born
5. my sister, who worked for the Government.
6. a terrible dusty lost-and-found office
7. that rather tiny cedar wooden table where we wrote the letter
8. a gang of robbers with stockings on their faces
9. those extremely cold November fogs in Scotland
10. a tradition of rustic maiden aunt gentility
11. the morality of unborn, unimaginable Bloomsbury
12. the endlessly satisfying depths of her novels
13. the journey from Nottingham to London by train
14. the world’s most famous vintage car run

Agus Wibowo 32
Activity 2
Identify the Principal Noun and the Verb

1. Your rectangle is selected because of the black box

at each corner and on each side.
2. A straight line forms between the starting point and
the cursor.
3. The message on your screen names the file.
4. Each of the seven drops-down menus offers a
selection of the command.
5. Either of the lines of icons determines outline shading
or color.

Agus Wibowo 33
Identify the Principal Noun and the Verb

6. The value of data produced by a computer requires

the programming
7. The selection at the left of the top line of icons
provides access to the dialog box for assigning
custom outline width and shapes.
8. The toolbox displays icons of the nine tools used to
draw, shape, outline, view and fill objects.
9. The diagrams accompanying the selections provide a
graphic depiction of the result.
10. Programs, often called application programs, are
instructions written in computer languages.

Agus Wibowo 34
Identify the Principal Noun and the Verb

11. After a long walk, the gleaming glass doors of the

new department store finally opened to the public.
12. The 6:40 express train from New York at long last
arrived at the crowded station.
13. A small but vicious dog at our neighbor’s house
noisily and persistently barked all night.
14. The securely wrapped package of spare parts for the
tractor came by registered mail yesterday.
15. In spite of our best efforts, all essential workers at
the rubber tire factory stopped completely.

Agus Wibowo 35
Identify the Principal Noun and the Verb

16. That very popular tourist hotel will soon open for the
summer season.
17. The engineering students in Prof. Ober’s class busily
studied for their examination all night.
18. Dr. Sheila Avery, the well-known physicist at the
research laboratory, is lecturing tonight at the
19. The jumbo jet airliner, after a long delay, finally
landed safely at the airport.
20. A very strange thing happened on the way to work.

Agus Wibowo 36
Activity 3
 Use the NP to construct a sentence

The value of data produced by computer

The value of data produced by a computer
requires confirmation

Agus Wibowo 37
Noun Phrase
Use the Following Noun Phrases to write sentences .
1. Portrait and Landscape orientation options
2. Tiny, magnetized or unmagnetized core
3. A change in the printable page on the screen
4. The selection at the left of the top line of icons
5. The versatility of an electronic machine for processing data
6. The standard measure of distance on a computer screen
7. A straight line between the starting point and the cursor
8. On and off switches inside the mechanism
9. The diagram accompanying the selection
10. The nine tools used to draw, shape, outline, view and fill

Agus Wibowo 38

Agus Wibowo 39

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