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What is Single Mode Fiber?

When the fiber core is so small that only light

ray at 0° incident angle can stably pass
through the length of fiber without much loss,
this kind of fiber is called single mode fiber.
What Is Mode?

Mode is stable propagation state in an optical

fiber. If light travels through an optical fiber
along certain paths, the electromagnetic fields
in the light wave reinforce each other to form
a field distribution that is stable as it travels
down the fiber. These stable operating points
are called Modes.
TE modes (Transverse Electric) no electric field in
the direction of propagation. The electric field is
perpendicular to the direction of propagation
(longitudinal component Ez=0) but a component of
the magnetic field H is in the direction of propagation
of light is considered along Z axis.
TM modes (Transverse Magnetic) no
magnetic field in the direction of propagation. In
this mode the magnetic field is perpendicular to
the direction of propagation (Hz=0) and a
component of the electric field E is in the
direction of propagation.
TEM modes (Transverse Electromagnetic) In this
mode, both electric and magnetic field are
perpendicular to the direction of propagation .
i.e Ez=0, Hz=0 .
•TEM waves occur in metallic conductors they are
seldom found in optical fibers.
•A plane light wave propagating through free space is
of the transverse electromagnetic (TEM) type.
TEMmn modes are designated with m and n being the
horizontal and vertical orders of the pattern.
The TEM00 mode corresponds to exactly the same
fundamental mode as in the cylindrical geometry.
Modes with increasing m and n show lobes appearing
in the horizontal and vertical directions, with in
general (m+1)(n+1) lobes present in the pattern.
Higher-order modes have a larger spatial extent than
the 00 mode

Here m represents the horizontal order of pattern and n

represents the vertical order of pattern.
The mode field diameter is a measure of the
radial intensity distribution of radiation
propagating within a fibre. It is a key
parameter for the specification of single-mode
fibre and can be used to predict fibre
properties such as splice loss, microbending
loss, cut-off wavelength and waveguide
Mode-field diameter is a measure of the
spot size or beam width of light
propagating in a single-mode fiber. Mode-
field diameter is a function of source
wavelength, fiber core radius, and fiber
refractive index profile. Mismatches in
mode-field diameter can affect splice loss.
Fibers with varying mode-field diameters
also display different bend loss sensitivities.
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