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A. Definition of Philosophy in Progressivism
Education Definition of Philosophy in
Progressivism Education
Progresivism is a movement and association that was
founded in 1918. This school argues that true
knowledge in the present may not be true in the
future. Progressivism views that the environment that
exists, both concerning humans and others is not the
same or static, but always changes.
In education, progressivism argues that education
is student-centered and gives greater emphasis on
creativity, activity, "naturalistic" learning, "real
world" learning outcomes as well as peer
experience. Education must be child-centered, not
focus on the teacher or the field of content.
Progressivism argues that students have the ability
to experiment in their life experiences because of
the provision of knowledge and abilities that have
been learned and possessed. 
B.Some figures In Progressivism :
1.William James (11 January 1842 - 26
August 1910). 
2. John Dewey (1859 - 1952). 
3. Hans Vaihinger (1852 - 1933)
1.William James (11 January 1842 - 26 August 1910).  

James believes that the brain or mind, as well as

aspects of organic existence, must have biological
functions and the value of continuation of life. And he
asserted that brain or mind functions were studied as
part of the main subjects of natural science. So James
helped to free the science of the soul from theological
preconceptions, and put it on the basis of behavioral
2. John Dewey (1859 - 1952).
Dewey's theory of school is "Progressivism" which
emphasizes more on students and interests than on
their own subjects. Then "Child Centered Curiculum"
and "Child Centered School" appeared. Progressivism
prepares children today rather than an uncertain
3. Hans Vaihinger (1852 - 1933)
According to Hans, knowing that it only has practical
meaning. Matching with the object cannot be proven;
the only measure for thinking is the use (in Greek
Pragma) of influencing events in the world. All
understanding is actually made solely; if that
understanding is useful. to rule the world, may be
considered true, as long as people know that this is the
C. Driving Factors for the Progression
of Progression
Some of the factors driving the birth of progressivism
1.The spirit of radicalism and reform that began in the
school led by Francis W. Parker.
2. The entry of the Froebelianism school, which
emphasizes the manifestation of self through its own
activities, and the use of the Montessori method
which emphasizes self-education.
3. Expansion of studies on child development
scientifically (developmental psychology). 
D. Philosophical Basis of Progressivism
Progresivism argues that human reason is active and
always wants to look for taboos and research, so that it
is not easy to take for granted a view or opinion before
it actually proves the truth empirically
E.Characteristics of Progressivism Flow
1.Educational Objectives 
This school of thought argues that the overall goal of
education is to train children to work later, work
systematically, love work, and work with the brain
and heart. To achieve this goal, education must be a
full development of the talents and interests of each
2. Curriculum  Progressive education curriculum is a
curriculum that contains experiences or learning
activities that are of interest to each student
(experience curriculum). An example of a progressive
education curriculum from Lewster Dix is ​about  
a) Study of himself
b) Study of the social and natural environment
c) Study of art.
3. Educational Method

There are several methods used in progressive education: 

A)Learning Methods
This method is more in the form of providing the
environment and facilities that allow the learning
process to take place freely for each child to develop
their talents and interests.
B) Methods of Monitoring Learning Activities 
Following the process of self-learning children's
activities, while providing certain assistance if needed
aims to facilitate the process of the learning activities.
The assistance provided as outside interference is as
little as possible
c) Scientific Research Methods
Progressive pioneered the use of scientific research
methods that are focused on drafting concepts, while
problem solving methods are more focused on solving
critical problems.
4. Collaboration between Schools and Families 
Progressive Education seeks cooperation between
schools and families. In order to create the widest
opportunity to be able to express naturally all interests
and activities needed by children. This effort
encouraged the establishment of a teacher and parent
student organization, which was pioneered by F.W.
Parker in Chicago. This organization serves as a forum
for communication and cooperation in efforts to renew
education in schools  
5. Students  
A)Education centered on children.
The education of progressivism adheres to the
principle of child-centered education. Children are the
center of all educational activities. According to
Parker, quality teaching means student activity,
student development, scientific studies about
education, and teacher training as educational artists.
B) Every child is unique
Every child (according to Parker), has its own
individuality, children have their own line of thought,
have their own desires, have their own hopes and
anxieties, which are different from adults. Thus
children must be treated differently from adults. 
A)The teacher in carrying out his duties in the practice
of education is centered on children having the role
1) Facilitator
2) Motivator
3) Counselor 
B) Teachers need to have a good understanding of
student characteristics, and techniques to lead
student development, as well as love for children, in
order to carry out roles well  

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