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 A wall is a structure that defines a area , carries a load, or provides

shelter or security .
 There are many kinds of wall such as defensive walls in fortification
,walls of buildings which are a fundamental part of the super structure
or which separate spaces in buildings section sometimes for the
purpose of fire safety.
 Walls which hold back earth called retaining walls, offer protection
from oceans such as a seawall or river as a levee.
 permanent walls are solid fences and border barrier between
countries sometimes.
 Building walls purposes to support roofs, floors and ceiling, enclose a
space as part of the building envelope, along with a roof to give
building form and to provide shelter and security.
 In addition , wall may have various types of utilities such as electrical
wiring or plumbing.

 Wall construction falls into two basic categories: framed walls

or mass- walls house.

 In framed walls load is transferred to foundation through

posts, columns or studs.

 Mass walls are of a solid material including masonry,

concrete including slip form stone masonry, log building ,cod
wood construction , adobe, rammed earth, cob, earth bag
construction, bottles, tin cans, straw-bale construction and ice.

 As the wall adds frames to a space,

the treatment to a wall is elemental in
transforming a lack luster room to one
that is refreshing, relaxed, eye-
catching, sleek, cozy, or spacious.

 Wall treatments range from paint to

wallpaper, fabric, wood paneling,
molding, plaster, and tile. Most simply,
a wall treatment is anything you can do
to a wall to make it complement the
space and create the atmosphere you
want to emanate.


1. The size and shape of the

2. The desired feeling
3. The floor covering
4. Wall condition.
5. Cost
6. Room function

 An old technique in which

plaster is applied over the wall
board or concrete block using a
lath. Texture range from
smooth to stucco. This
technique is almost a lost
trade and is not used in new
homes. It often chips and
cracks as a house settles over
the years.

 Plaster of Paris or simply

plaster is a type of building
material based on calcium
sulphate hemihydrates. This is
a smooth finish achieved by
plaster of Paris generally
applied on internal wall.

 This just like plaster of

Paris finish but gypsum
material is used to
prepare mortar. It is
more durable and finer
as compared to plaster
of Paris finish.

 It is most commonly used material

to cover wall in interior projects. It
has evolved into a versatile,
dependable material that is quick to
install and easy to repair. It is made
from a natural crystallized mineral.
It is naturally fire resistant and can
also act as a sound barrier, Gypsum
board of 4”wide sheet *8”, 9” or 10”
high is attached directly to stud
walls. Joints are tapped, spackled
and sanded so the seams do not
show. Texture may be applied on
various other finish techniques.

 It is way to treat to a
wall is to paint it a
solid color. There are a
wide range of choices
out there!
You can’t go wrong with
neutral hues, grays, and
white. The basic wall
colors emphasize the
colors of furniture, art,
and fabric in the room,
adding contrast and
making them a pop!

 Usually least
expensive but
depends on shape of
 Time consuming to
 First wash
 Fill holes
 Maybe apply primer
 Paint
 1 liter for 80-100

 No gloss Satin or Eggshell
 Soft finish
 Does not wash easily  A little shiny
 Used in living rooms, dining  Washes better than flat
rooms, bedrooms, and
 Used in the same areas as flat
on ceilings
 Least expensive

SEMI GLOSS  Highly reflective

 More sheen than satin  Protective
 Can be washed regularly  Can be scrubbed
 Used in kitchens, bathrooms,  Decorative look
children’s rooms, and laundry  Used in same areas as semi-
rooms gloss
 Used on woodwork and  Used on windowsills, radiators,
furniture and heating pipes


Used to give special effects or hide flaws
Different texture can be achieved based on the thickness of
paint and what is added to the paint
Can be rolled, sprayed, brushed, sponged, toweled

Decorative Paint
 Apply base coat
 Dip sponge in color(s) to add texture and depth
 Base coat
 Wad of fabric or plastic wrap to add next layer
 Drag tool through wet paint to create a texture
 Apply pattern through cutouts using up and down
 Scene painted on a wall or ceiling

Choose a color lighter than you want

The amount of paint needed
depends on:
 The type of paint
 The color of the wall being covered
 The condition of the wall
Measure the distance around the
room and multiply by the height of
the ceiling
 Give this measurement to the
sales person
If unsure, buy more
Matching colors within a room?

 Adds color, warmth, texture, and

 Expensive
 Not too durable
 Absorb light and sound

 Gives the illusion of space

 Dramatic
 Costly

 Adds texture
 Absorbs noise
 Adds warmth

Designed for service

ability and
durability. It is flame
resistant. Easily
cleaned and
resistant to fading
and abrasion.

 Wall paneling is a surface

covering done with pieces of flat
wooden slats cut into a
rectangular shape, laid along the
wall that serves as the visible and
exposed covering for a wall. Wall
panels are functional as well as
decorative, providing insulation
and soundproofing, combined with
uniformity of appearance, along
with some measure of durability
or ease of replace ability

 Decorative wall panels are available in

many different materials. They are
often used to change the look of the
wall, but may also be installed to help
protect the wall from damage.
Wainscoting is one of the most
commonly used wall panels. It is made
from wood or synthetic materials
patterned with carvings and designs.
Wainscot is usually installed on the
lower half of a wall, but heights and
styles may vary . Pre-fabricated panels
may be used, or those familiar with
woodworking can create their own
versions. Other common materials
used for decorative paneling include
laminate, stainless steel and plastics

 Tile board panels are made from me lamine or

resin and are used to mimic the look of ceramic
tile. They are textured and colored to look like
tile, and are attached to a moisture-resistant
backer board. These panels are an affordable
alternative to ceramic and are much e asier to
install. Tile board panels also do not have grout
lines, which make for easier cleaning, as there
is no spot for trapped dirt to accumulate. Tile
board is stamped to give the appearance of
tiles. It is a waterproof paneling made of
tempered hardboard and is often used in areas
that receive a lot of moisture, such as
bathrooms and kitchens. Tile board is available
in a wide range of colors and tile styles.
 Tile boards are different from tiles in the way
that they are textured and colored to look like
tile, and are attached to a moisture-resistant
backer board.

 Utility paneling is made from

perforated hardboard and is
used for its function and
appearance. These panels
contain rows of small holes
that can be used to hang
objects from nails or pegs.
They are frequently used in
kitchens or garages, as well
as in commercial
applications. Utility paneling
is available in standard white
or natural wood finishes and
also in custom colors. These
panels can be installed over
the entire wall or just in
small areas as needed.

 Acoustical panels are used to

control noise levels in a space
and to block noise transfer
through walls. They are made
from foam or wood cores wrapped
with a layer of vinyl or fabric. The
panels help absorb sound and are
commonly used in schools,
auditoriums and hotels. These
panels are available in a wide
variety of colors and textures to
match the room's decor.
Acoustical panels can be installed
temporarily using clips or
magnets, or with nails or adhesive
for more permanent applications.

 W hile m o st t y p e s o f w a l l p a n e lin g a re in st a lle d o n t he

i nt e rio r , o t h e r s a r e u se d t o c re a t e e x t e rio r wa lls. T he se
p a n e ls a re f r e q u e n tl y m a d e f r o m p re c a s t c o nc re t e a nd
a llo w fo r q u i c k a n d ea sy f r a m ing o f h o m e s a nd b u s ine sse s .
S o m e st ru c t u r a l p a n e l s m a y b e u se d t o r ep la c e b o t h
i nt e rio r a n d e x t e r i o r w a l l s. S t ru c t u ra l in su la t e d p a ne ls
( S I Ps ) t a k e t h e p l a c e o f w a ll f ra m ing , in t e rio r d ry w a ll a nd
e x te rio r s h e a t h i n g o r si d i ng . T h e y a re m a d e f ro m sh e e ts o f
r i g id f o a m i n su l a t i o n sa n d w ic h e d b e t we e n la y e rs o f wo o d
f i b e r b o a r d . S t r u c t u r a l W a ll p a ne ls a re a n e ne rg y e f f ic ie nt
a lt e rn a t iv e to st e e l a n d m a so n ry , p ro v id ing a d u ra b le wa ll
a nd e lim in a t i n g t h e n e e d f o r p e rim e t e r c o lu m n s. O u r
i nsu l a t e d w a l l s p a n e l s a r e m a nu f a c t u re d wit h lo c a lly
e x tr a c t e d , r e c y c l e d m a t e r ia ls wh e ne v e r p o s sib le , m a k ing
t h e m t he p r e m i e r c h o i c e f o r a n y c o m m e rc ia l p ro je c t . T he
e n d re su lt i s a q u i c k e r i n st a lla t io n p ro c e ss, m o re e n e rg y
e f f ic ie nc y , l o w e r m a i n t e n a nc e, a n d d u r a b ilit y . Fo r m lin e r,
s t a in e d a n d sm o o t h f i n i sh e s a re a v a ila b le wit h S t ru c t u ra l
W a ll P a n e l s

 Advant ages o f st ruct ural wall panels:

 St ruct ural W all Panel Syst ems are
manufactured in a cont rolled environment
allow ing for low water/cement rat ios. This
result s in a denser concrete mat erial t hat
prevent s w at er penet rat ion, ultimat ely
result ing in a b et t er qualit y product.
 Quick inst allat ion in any weath er
co ndit ion allow s f or f ast building
enclosure and low er const ruct ion
f inancing cost s.
 Lo ad bearing wall panels eliminat e
perim et er columns, opening up your
building for unlimit ed design possibilities.
 Our St ruct ural Wall Panels allow f or
easy building expansion or relocatio n,
t hus minimizing fut ure construction cost s.

 Bead board is a wood paneling

that mimics the tongue-and-
groove quality of wainscoting.
Imbuing a room with antique
charm, bead board is typically
installed just on the lower
portion of the wall, topped
with a cap rail that looks like
crown molding. Bead board is
also sometimes used on
ceilings. It can be clear-
finished, stained or painted.

 Named because of its thinness,

sheet paneling is a veneer that
typically gives the appearance of
woodwork. It is sold in large, 4-
by-8-foot sheets, which helps
expedite the installation process,
as much area is covered quickly.
Although not as common, bamboo
and vinyl sheet panels are also
available. Vinyl sheet paneling is
an appropriate choice in moist
areas and is not subject to rotting
like wood sheet paneling. There
are also metal sheets used for
covering exterior walls of
industries and ware houses.

 Give your walls the rustic look of

masonry with faux stone and
brick panels. Faux stone and
brick panels are typically made
out of lightweight polyurethane or
polyester resin and are molded or
embossed to give the natural
appearance of mortared masonry.
Types of stone and brick paneling
include white stone, desert stone,
river rock, red brick and gray
brick. Paneling that gives the
appearance of dry-stacked slate
is also available.

 V e ne er is t h e m o st e x p e n si v e t y p e o f
p a n e ling a n d c o n si s t s o f t h re e la y e rs o f re a l
w o o d g ra i n s. V i n y l - c o v e r e d p a ne lin g
l a m ina t e s v i n y l d i r e c t l y o n t o t h e wo o d
b o a rd . P e o p l e u se v i n y l - p a ne ling t yp e , a lso
c a l le d t ile b o a r d , i n t h e k i t c he n , la u nd ry
r o o m o r b a t h r o o m i n st e a d o f r e a l t ile .
P r int e d - p a p e r p a n e l i n g l a m in a t e s p rin te d -
p a p e r o n t o t h e w o o d b o a r d . T h is t y p e o f
p a n e ling g i v e s t h e i l l u si o n o f wa llp a p e r a n d
o f fe r s c o n su m e r s p a n e l i n g o p p o r t u nit ie s f o r
e v e ry ro o m i n t h e h o u se i n c l u d in g
b e d r o o m s a n d l i v i n g r o o m s. O ne c a n c ho o se
f r o m e nd le ss p a t t e r n s a n d c o lo rs w it h
p rin t e d - p a p e r p a n e l i n g. S u rf a c e - p rin t ing
t y p e o f p a n e l i n g t a k e s a p h o t o g ra p h o f re a l
w o o d g ra i n f i n i s h a n d t r a n sf e rs i t t o t h e
w o o d b o a r d t o g i v e t h e se m b la nc e o f v e n e e r
f o r a m u c h l o w e r c o st .

 Paneling-backing types are

plywood, particleboard or
hardboard. Plywood is the
strongest, but hardboard is the
least expensive. Hardboard type
of paneling, with a printed-
paper surface, is commonly
sold at local building supply
stores for use in every room in
the house. Particleboard is
stronger than hardboard and
more expensive, but it is a step
down from plywood

 Grooves-paneling types refer

to real grooves or painted
grooves. High-quality wood
has naturally straight
grooves in it, which one can
see by looking at this type
of paneling. Painted grooves
give the semblance of real
grooves, but touching them
reveals they are painted.

 W oo d - st y l e p a n e l i n g i s t h e m o s t c om m o n a nd
t r a d i t io n a l p a n e l in g s t yl e . Ac c o r d i n g t o L ea r n
a b o u t I n t e r i or D e s ig n , c o ve r i n g w a l l s w i t h
p a n e l s c a r v ed f r om h a r d w o od s, l i k e o a k , ma p l e
o r w a l n u t , i s a c e n t u r i es - ol d p r a c t i c e. T od a y
m a n y p eo p l e s t i l l u s e h a r d w o od s f o r p a n el i n g a s
i t h a s a d i s t i n c t n a t u r a l t ex t u r e a n d w a r mt h .
H ow e ve r , i t is a l s o on e of t h e mo r e ex p e n si v e
o p t i on s . I f y ou w a n t t o c r ea t e t h a t sa m e w oo d
s t yl e w i t h o u t p a y i n g a h a r d w o od p r i c e , t r y u s i n g
p i n e , w h i c h i s s o f t e r - - an d a b i t l e ss d u r a bl e - - b u t
l e ss e x p en s i v e. A no t h e r a lt e r n a t i ve i s t o u s e
h a r d b o a r d p a n e l in g , w hi c h is a r i g id , r e l a t i ve l y
i n e xp e n s i ve m a t er i a l c o m p r is e d o f t r e a t e d a n d
c o m p r e ss e d w oo d p u l p . Re ga r d l e ss o f w h a t t y p e
o f w o o d p a n el i n g y o u u s e, a p p l y in g c o a t s o f
p a i n t , s t ai n , v a r n i sh o r o t h er w o od f i n i s h i n g
p r o d u c t i s a l w a y s a n o p t i o n a n d c a n h e l p y ou
a c h i e v e a d e s ir ed c ol o r , s h a d e s or s h e en .

 Faux panels are panels that

manufacturers design to look like
other, and usually more
expensive, materials. For
example, according to Faux
Panels, you can purchase faux
paneling made from high-density
polyurethane that resembles a
brick, rock or stone facade.
Manufacturers inject the
polyurethane, along with various
dyes and pigments, into molds of
various dimensions to produce the
desired style.

 W a in s c ot , or w a i n s c o t i n g , is a s t y l e o f
p a n e l i n g t h a t o nl y c o ve r s t h e l o w er p o r t i on
o f w a l l s . H o w ev er , i n s o me i n s t an c es i t c a n
r e a c h a l m os t t h r e e- q u a r t e r s o f t h e w a y u p
t o t h e c e i l i n g. T he u s e of w a in s c ot i n g i s a
m o r e o p e n - st y le a l t e r na t iv e t h a n f l oo r - t o-
c e i l i n g p a n e l in g, w h ic h is s o m et i m es
s u f f o c a t i n g a n d m a k e s a r oo m s ee m sm a l l .
A c c o r d i n g t o H o me K n o w - i t - Al l , f o r a
t r a d i t io n a l a t m os p h e r e , u s e w a i n s c ot i n g
t h a t h a s r a i se d s q u a r e or r ec t a n g u la r
s e c t io n s . F o r a m or e c o u n t r y f ee l , u s e
w a i n s c o t i n g w it h g r oo v es o r b ea d e d e d ge s .
 C l a s si c w a in s c o t i n g,   w h i c h n o t o n l y g i ve s
w a l l s el e ga n c e a n d w a r m t h b u t a l s o
p r o t ec t s t h e l ow e r p or t i o n f r o m w ea r a n d
t e a r , is m a d e u p o f s e ve r a l d if f e re n t p i e c es
o f mi l l ed h a r d w o o d s f a s t en e d t o ge t h e r .

 When you purchase paneling from a

retailer, there are generally two styles
of products to choose from: sheet and
boards. Sheets of paneling are large
pieces of material, which usually have
dimensions of 4x8 feet. Alternatively,
paneling boards are smaller, and
come in a range of sizes. They are
anywhere from 3 to 10 inches wide,
and most have thicknesses of a 1/2
inch or 3/4 inch.

 Translucent wall panels are a relatively economical means of creating

walls within a space without obstructing the flow of natural light within
the room. Considered to b e both decorative and functional, translucent
walls may be utilized to create work stations within a larger space, as
well as to define spaces within the home for specific uses. Translucent
wall panels may reach from floor to ceiling or extend to a height of
slightly taller than the average person.
 The use of translucent wall panels within a work environment is often a
welcome alternative to solid cubicles. Because the translucent wall
allows light to move through the space while still providing a degree of
privacy, the panels are often an ideal solution when converting a large
space into a series of smaller working areas. For example, a former
manufacturing floor can easily be turned into office space by constructing
a series of workstations that are defined by translucent wall panels. If
there is a need to reorganize the workstations in order to ad d more
personnel, the panels can easily be rearranged to accommodate the
needed changes

In the home, translucent wall panels are a great way to help give a small amount
of definition to rooms that are utilized for more than one purpose. Apartment
dwellers often find the use of translucent panels to be a great way to take a large
living room and define a living area as well as a dining area. Because the panels
do not involve any permanent changes to the structure, they can easily be
dismantled and transported when the tenant moves to a new location.
Translucent wall panels are available in natural tones that resemble window
glass, as well as colored panels that can add a decorative touch while still
allowing light to flow through the space. Easily installed and removed, the panels
are easy to care for and can last for years before replacement is necessary.

 Wal l cl add ing serv es both an aestheti c

and a funct ional purpo se when
i nstall ed on the ext eri or of t he home.
Material s and colors are oft en sel ec ted
t o giv e the home a spec ifi c look, or t o
compl ement t he archit ec tural desi gn of
a buil ding. Claddi ng a lso protects the
home from ra in, wi nd and other
weat her-rel ated element s. I t hel ps to
keep moi sture and mol d f rom
penet rati ng the wa lls, and of ten
provi des some l ev el of i nsulat ion
against thermal t ransfer and ai r leaks.
It i s a nonstructural materi al for
safegu ardi ng i nternal and external
bui ldi ng front ages. Abov e all i t adds
nat ural b eaut y of st ones to t he
archit ecture.

 There are many wood cladding options

available, including solid timber
boards; solid timber cladding with
structural sections, battens and strips;
wood cement particleboard; facing
masonry; and other wood-based board
products. Species of wood that are
popularly used as external cladding
include softwoods, such as Scots pine,
fir, spruce and Douglas fir; western red
cedar; redwood; and oak. Softwoods
are typically used as external cladding
in normal conditions, while redwood,
western red cedar and oak are used in
areas susceptible to erratic and severe

 Brick or stone cladding is very

expensive, but will last for
decades once installed and does
not require regular maintenance.
Stone cladding is available in a
number of forms, such as
granite, marble and limestone,
and forms a cavity between the
structure and the cladding when
installed. This allows rainwater
to drain away from the building,
avoiding moisture absorption by
the building itself, which could
lead to rot.

 Brick and brick veneer cladding

comes in a variety of neutral,
earthy colors. Made of fired
clay, brick is a desirable
cladding option due to its
longevity and durability. Brick
external cladding can last
centuries without major repairs
if carefully maintained. Brick
veneers are an inexpensive,
durable and attractive option to
actual brick cladding. Although
not as long-lasting as solid
brick, brick veneers imitate
solid brickwork and are
relatively easy to maintain.

 Vinyl siding is made from rows of

PVC panels, and is very popular
in North America due to its wide
range of colors and high levels
of durability. It is also easy to
maintain, only needing to be
washed when required. However,
the process used to manufacture
vinyl siding requires a lot of
energy, and as a result this form
of cladding is not deemed to be
environmentally friendly

 Metal siding has a number

of advantages. It is durable
and highly resistant to
weather, fire and changes in
temperature. It is available
in a number of forms, such
as corrugated or smooth,
and does not require regular
maintenance. It is, however,
an unattractive finish, which
is why it is commonly used
on industrial buildings. It is
also expensive to install;
however, it will last for
years if well looked-after.

 S e a ml e s s s t e e l e x t e r n a l c l a d d i n g i s t o u gh ,
d u r a b l e , s t r o n g a nd r e s i s t s c h a ng e s i n
t e mp e r a t u r e a n d s h r in k i n g . I t of f er s
r e s is t a n c e a g a in s t r a i n , s n ow , s l ee t , h a il
a n d f i r e a n d is a v i a b le c l a d d i n g op t i on
f o r p eo p l e w h o l iv e i n sa n d y , s a l t y a n d
r e gi o n s w i t h e xc es s i ve s n o w . M o s t
s e a m l es s st e e l s i d i n g i s c u s t om i z e d t o f i t
t h e p r ec is e m ea s u r e m en t s o f a h o m e a n d
i s a v a il a b l e i n a va r i e t y o f t e x t u r es a n d
l o ok s , i n c l u d in g i n d u s t r ia l - l oo k c o r r u ga t e d
s t ee l a n d w o od - t ex t u r e . S t a i n l es s s e a m
c l a d d i n g d oe s n ot r e q u i r e r e p a i n t i n g o r
r e s a n d i n g a n d i t s m a in t e n a n c e r eq u i r e s
n o m or e t h a n a n o c c a s i on a l r i n s i n g w i t h a
g a r d en h o s e. I t t yp i c a l l y l a s t s 2 0 ye a r s o r
m o r e i f ox i d a t i on a n d c or r o s i on , i t s t w o
m a i n e n em i e s, a r e a p p r o p r ia t e l y m a n a g ed

Wallpaper has been used since before the 18 th century to cover walls and act as a
decorative element for interior spaces. It has notably emerged during the Renaissance
period as an affordable alternative for tapestries, which were used by the rich classes
back then to cover the stone walls, keep away the heat, and give color to their rooms.
The earlier wallpaper featured scenes, rather than patterns, and its biggest two
manufacturers were England and France. China, also, started manufacturing high-
quality wallpaper in the late 17th century. It was hand painted and costly, and that’s
why it was mostly used in palaces. By the arrival of the 20 th century, patterned
wallpaper had become an essential wall finishing material for homes.
Manufacturers have recently been recreating wallpaper with some advantageous
characteristics like blocking Wi-Fi waves, protecting walls from falling during
earthquakes, or for lighting purposes by incorporating LEDs. Also, the wallpaper
techniques have evolved from woodblock printing and stenciling to digital printing.

Wallpaper may be more expensive than paint but it

has many types; some of which are quite affordable.
It is available in a wide variety of designs, patterns,
and surface finishes.
There are many ways to attach wallpaper to your
walls which include: paste the wall, paste the
paper, and peel and stick.
Wallpaper, and especially the peel-and-stick, can be
easily removed and replaced.
Some types can last for more than 15 years.
Many wallpaper types are washable.
Some types can be used for busy areas at home
owing to its durability and easy maintenance.
Wallpaper can, also, be used to personalize
temporary homes, like dorms and rentals, since it
can be easily installed and removed without leaving
It can cover uneven walls and hide the defects
easily, with little initial preparations.
Wallpaper can be considered an eco-friendly, since
it can be purely manufactured from natural
materials, and its adhesives do not contain harmful

 It i s more expensi ve t han p aint.

 Tradi t ional wall paper is diff icul t to
maintain and remov e.
 The edges may sepa rat e from the w all,
espec iall y in damp w eat her, and need
t o be reatta ched or pasted.
 Patt erns need t o be mat ched and well-
al igned together. That requires a good
deal of accuracy.
 It c an’t be appl ied on ra w c onc rete
and t extured wal ls.
 Wal lpaper col ors may be af fected by
l ight and shadow. Part s that are
exposed t o sunl ight dai ly c oul d b urn
 The more fragil e types of wallp aper
may not last more than 5 years.
The size of a
standard wallpaper 32.97 ft x 1.73 ft
roll is:

A standard
wallpaper roll 57 sq ft
would cover:

The average
ceiling height in 9 ft-10 ft
India is:

Once you deduct

skirting and false
the ceiling height
may come down to
8 ft. In that case,
5 ft-6 ft wide wall
one roll will
(depending on the
design and
wastage) cover

 Also known as lining

paper, this type of
wallpaper is made from
paper or fiberglass. It is
effective for hiding wall
defects and minimizing
repairs, and it can be a
base for more delicate
wallpaper types. It can
be used alone, and
maybe even painted.
Moreover, it is easy to
apply and remove.

 This type is commonly used

and available in wide variety of
colors and patterns. The
digitally-printed wallpaper is
normally cheaper than the
hand-printed, and it can be
mass-produced, but it could be
torn easily. Also, the printing
ink is water-based, so it’d
better not be used in kitchens
and bathrooms.

 This type of wallpaper is composed printed paper coated with a

layer vinyl. It is the most commonly used type of wallpaper,
currently, because of its high durability. The thicker the vinyl
coating layer is, the more durable the wallpaper will be. Vinyl
paper can be used in kitchens and bathrooms, as it can of
withstanding steam. It is can also be washed, making for easy

 A polished metal foil is

used as a base for this type
to give the interior space a
shiny metallic effect. Due
to its high reflectivity, foil
wallpaper highlights wall
defects. So, the base wall
needs to be repaired,
treated, or covered with
lining paper first. The
lining and adhering process
needs to be neat enough,
not to ruin the foil’s
reflectivity and shine.

 Flock wallpaper is distinct for

its fuzzy three-dimensional
patterns, created from a velvet-
like fiber that is printed on a
base of paper. It is one of the
most expensive wallpaper
types, yet it is hard to
maintain. Its velvety texture
reflects a sense of luxury;
however, it is not washable and
could be hard to remove.
Accordingly, it is best used for
rooms with lower traffic, like
the master bedroom or guest

 Mylar wallpaper comprises a

printed paper base and a
polyester film applied on top of it.
It has a wet or shiny appearance,
kind of similar to foil wallpaper,
and likewise, it highlights wall
defects, so prior paper lining is
recommended. The polyester film
makes it possible to wash Mylar
wallpaper, and it is also easy to
remove. However, further care
should be given to the installation
process to avoid creasing the
paper. It is most commonly used
for kitchens and bathrooms.

 This type is handcrafted

from natural bamboo and
glued to paper. It is
environmentally friendly,
and its hue varies from
one roll to another owing
to its natural base.
However, it requires
delicate treatment when
gluing and installing as
the adhesives can ruin its
appearance, and it is not

 Textured and embossed wall papers add

dep th a nd an int eresting cont rast to pl ain
wall s. The text ures can range from
del ica te and soft fabric inspi red impri nts
through to dramati c geometric s. The most
popular col ors are cream, stone and taupe
as t hese c reate a wonderful natural
palett e whi ch c an c o-ordi nate w ith most
other acc ent and feature colors. Embossed
wall paper can hide t he wa ll defec ts:
scrat ches, c rac ks and w all roughness i n
general . They can be paint ed ov er.
Disadv antages are: it s hard to glue t hem
ri ght (cause wi t h ti me the edges st art to
bend and stratif y), it i s al so hard t o peal
them off t he wall , also by remov ing t he
embossed wall paper you ri sk t o damage
the plasteri ng.

They consist of cellulose and cotton fiber. Have to

be applied in a liquid form with the help of a special
pallet. Such wallpaper have a high level from the
clutch surface that allows their use even in rooms
with uneven walls, defects and cracks on the
surface. Repair of damaged sites wallpaper is quite
easy: you should only remove coating from this area,
mix with water, add fresh filler and apply spatula
back. It takes 24 hours to fully dry. It is ecological
and easy to use. It has a good thermal and sound
insulation. Has an anti-static and effect. It is
composed of natural materials, nontoxic. Allows the
wall “to breathe” and controls the amount of
moisture in the room. Does not have connecting
seams. In a way, it is similar to paint, different
patters and images can be manually drawn on the
wall or ceiling. However, this material has a
significant disadvantage: it can be easily rinsed off
with water. On the other hand, this is a plus when
you remove the old layer of a liquid wallpaper. When
inaccurately applied it makes the room look very
cheap and untidy.

The non woven wallpapers are the latest

trend in decorating. Non-wovens are made of
a special blend of natural and synthetic
fibers, making them washable and
breathable. You will find these fibers in
many household products such as tea bags,
coffee filters, and gauze. Because these
wallpapers are able to breathe, this makes
them a perfect application for kitchens and
bathrooms. These wall-coverings are also
tear-resistant. This is a great advantage as
the wallpapers will not get torn during
installation or removal. They are the most
user friendly and eco-friendly wallpapers on
the market today, they are incredibly easy,
admirably quicker and requiring less efforts
to install. This type of wallpaper neither
expands nor contracts, so they do not change
their size. It can be also used as a base for
painting. However, non-woven wallpaper are
expensive and non washable.
As name suggests th ey are made of gl ass fi bers wo ve n
and bonded together to form a sheet material. Due to
the way wallpaper is produced they are incredibly strong
and provide a great reinforcement to any wall or ceiling.
Made from natural non toxic materials like quartz, soda,
lime and dolomite they are considered to be a green
product too. They are flame resistant and prevent
flames from spreading, a key benefit in fire-safety. After
professional application they can be over-painted many
times without peeling or even plastered over. Fiberglass
wallpaper is a great way to treat often appearing wall
cracks. Special water-resistant adhesive and glass
fibers provide a barrier for dampness showing through.
Their insulating properties will reduce or even stop
mould growth. Fiberglass is a lightweight, extremely
strong, and robust material. Their bulk strength and
weight properties are also very favorable when
compared to metals, and it can be easily formed using
moulding processes. Common uses of fibreglass include
high performance aircraft’s (gliders), boats,
automobiles, baths, hot tubs, water tanks, roofing,
pipes, cladding, casts, surfboards, and external door
skins. Disadvantages of using it are: high price, low

 Is an elite product. Its

premium quality creates a
sense of wellbeing. It can
be made of: silk, cotton,
linen, felt, raffia, twines or
feathers can all be used to
gorgeous effect. Fabric
wallpapers are breathable,
flame- retardant, stain-
resistant, and provide
exceptional insulation
quality They are extremely
expensive and hard to apply
on walls.

Wallpaper Brand / Store Wallpaper Price Per Roll USP Where to Find Them

Homegrown brand, inspired by Indian Across major cities, 

Nilaya by Asian Paints ₹4,999-17,500 aesthetics; designer collection by, 

Earliest brand in the country; diversity in

In 19 cities,, 
Marshall’s Wallcovering ₹2,200-8,500 designs (from classic to contemporary);
designer collection by Krsna Mehta.

D’decor ₹3,000 – 8,700 Reputed for its high-end designs. Across major cities,

International brands from US and Europe;

Elementto Shared on request Mumbai and Delhi
premium one-of-its-kind designs.

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