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Gratitude Pumpkin

Thanksgiving Activity
Thanksgiving is a time for
being thankful for what
you have.
 Being thankful
means being happy
for what you have.
 Let’s make a
gratitude pumpkin!
Write what you are
thankful for.

I am thankful for ___________.

Leave about 4cm space for the staples
I am thankful for ___________.
Leave about 4cm space for the staple
• I am thankful for my brothers and sisters.
• I am thankful for my mother and father
• I am thankful for ___________________.
o Friends o Freedom
o Music o Computer games
o TV o Art
o Soccer o Teachers
o My House o Korea
o Food
Staple them together.
Staple the pumpkin together
Curl the green “vines”

• Staple the pumpkin together

• Then staple on the leaves and vines

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