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Bahasa Inggris Teknik 1

Computer Peripheral
(Periferal Komputer)

S1 Pendidikan Teknik Informatika


• Dapat memahami definisi computer peripheral (periferal

• Dapat mengabstraksi secara tertulis periferal komputer
dalam Bahasa Inggris
• Dapat mengabstraksi secara lisan periferal komputer
dalam Bahasa Inggris
Computer Peripheral

A computer peripheral is a device that

is connected to a computer but is not
part of the core computer architecture.
The core elements of a computer are
the central processing unit, power
supply, motherboard and the computer
case that contains those three
Types of Computer Peripheral

• Input devices, which send data to the

• Output devices, which receive data from
the computer.
• Input/output devices, such as storage

A mouse is an input device that

uses "point and click"
technology to interact with a
computer. The device was
named a "mouse" because the
inventors thought that the wire
that connects the device to the
computer resembles a mouse
tail. Nowadays, mice often
connect to the computer using
wireless technology.

Keyboards are the most

common input device. The user
enters letters, numbers, and
other symbols to give the
computer with information and
instruction. Using a keyboard
to enter a lot of information is
called typing. The keyboard
works through push buttons or
mechanical switches, known as
"keys", being pressed, and the
resulting signal being sent to
the computer.

The most common output device, monitors

enable users to interact with a computer
more easily. The monitor essentially displays
a signal sent by the computer in a visual
format. Monitors look similar to televisions
in outward appearance, but typically have a
higher display resolution than televisions,
enabling greater visual detail, plus they lack
a tuner to change channels.

A computer speaker is another common

type of output device. They typically come
in pairs to provide stereo sound and
sometimes with a subwoofer unit too in
order to enhance bass frequency. Computer
speakers usually have built-in amplifiers and
therefore require a power supply, either
from the mains, batteries, or via a USB port.
External Hard

External hard drives are input/output

storage devices that usually connect to a
computer via USB. They hold relatively
large amounts of data and plug and play
drive functionality enables them to be
easily used with a variety of different
Search for 2 kinds of computer peripheral for
each types (input device, output device and
input/output device) other than those
Assignment mentioned above along with the definitions,
then make a sentence using each of those

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