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Section 3: Analytic Functions

Lecturer: Mardan A. Pirdawood

2016 - 2017
Differentiability and Analyticity

Definition: Derivative of Complex Function

Suppose the complex function is defined in a neighborhood of a point
. The derivative of at , denoted by , is

provided this limit exists.

If the limit in (1) exists, then the function is said to be differentiable at . Two
other symbols denoting the derivative of are and .

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 2
Differentiability and Analyticity

Example 3.1
Using the definition find the derivative of .

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 3
Differentiability and Analyticity

Example 3.2 (H.W)

Using the definition find the derivative of at the point where (a) , (b) .

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 4
Differentiability and Analyticity
Rules of Differentiation
If and are differentiable at a point , and is a complex constant, then (1)
can be used to show:

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 5
Differentiability and Analyticity
Rules of Differentiation
If and are differentiable at a point , and is a complex constant, then (1)
can be used to show:

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 6
Differentiability and Analyticity

Example 3.3

Differentiate the following complex functions:


Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 7
Differentiability and Analyticity

Nowhere Differentiable
Example 3.4

Show that the function is not differentiable at any point .


Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 8
Differentiability and Analyticity
Analytic Functions
Definition: Analyticity at a Point

A complex function is said to be analytic at a point if is differentiable at and

at every point in some neighborhood of .

A function is analytic in a domain if it is analytic at every point in . The phrase

“analytic on a domain D” is also used. Although we shall not use these terms in
this text, a function that is analytic throughout a domain is called
holomorphic or regular.

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 9
Differentiability and Analyticity
Entire Functions
A function that is analytic at every point in the complex plane is said to be an
entire function.
For example Polynomial functions are differentiable at every point in the
complex plane and rational functions are analytic throughout any domain that
contains no points at which the denominator is zero.

Theorem 3.1: Polynomial and Rational Functions

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 10
Differentiability and Analyticity

Definition: Singular Points

A point at which a complex function fails to be analytic is called a singular

point of .

Example 3.5

Since the rational function is discontinuous at and , fails to be analytic at

these points. Thus by (ii) of Theorem 3.1, is not analytic in any domain
containing one or both of these points.

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 11
Differentiability and Analyticity

Theorem 3.2: Differentiability Implies Continuity

If is differentiable at a point in a domain , then is continuous at .

Theorem 3.3: L’Hˆopital’s Rule

Suppose and are functions that are analytic at a point and , , but . Then

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 12
Differentiability and Analyticity

Example 3.6
Compute the following limit by using L’Hˆopital’s rule:


Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 13

 Differentiability and Analyticity

 Cauchy-Riemann Equations
 Harmonic Functions

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 14
Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Theorem 3.4: Cauchy-Riemann Equations

Suppose is differentiable at a point .

Then at the first-order partial derivatives of and exist and satisfy
the Cauchy-Riemann equations

It follows from Theorem 3.4 that if a complex function is analytic throughout a

domain D, then the real functions and satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations
(1) at every point in D.

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 15
Cauchy-Riemann Equations

Example 3.7
Show whether the function verify Theorem 3.4 or not.

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 16
Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Criterion for Non-analyticity
If the Cauchy-Riemann equations are not satisfied at every point in a domain D,
then the function cannot be analytic in D.

Theorem 3.5: Criterion for Analyticity

Suppose the real functions and are continuous and have continuous first-
order partial derivatives in a domain D. If u and v satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann
equations at all points of D, then the complex function
is analytic in D.

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 17
Cauchy-Riemann Equations

Example 3.8
By using theorem 3.5 show that where the function is analytic.

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 18
Cauchy-Riemann Equations

Example 3.9
a) Show that the following functions are not analytic at any point.

b) Show that the function is analytic at every point.


Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 19
Cauchy-Riemann Equations
From the proof of Cauchy-Riemann equations we have:

were obtained under the basic assumption that was differentiable at the point .
So we get a formula for computing the derivative :

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 20
Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Polar Coordinates
In the previous section saw that a complex function can be expressed in terms
of polar coordinates. Indeed, the form is often more convenient to use. In polar
coordinates the Cauchy-Riemann equations become

Then the polar version of at a point z whose polar coordinates are is

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 21
Cauchy-Riemann Equations

Example 3.10
Use Cauchy-Riemann Equations to show that the following function is
analytic in an appropriate domain.


Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 22

 Differentiability and Analyticity

 Cauchy-Riemann Equations
 Harmonic Functions

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 23
Harmonic Functions
Laplace’s equation
The following equation, one of the most famous in applied mathematics, is
known as Laplace’s equation in two variables.

The sum of the two second partial derivatives in (1) is denoted by and is
called the Laplacian of . Laplace’s equation is then abbreviated
as .

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 24
Harmonic Functions

Definition: Harmonic Functions

A real-valued function of two real variables and that has continuous first and
second-order partial derivatives in a domain and satisfies Laplace’s equation is
said to be harmonic in .

Theorem 3.6: Harmonic Functions

Suppose the complex function is analytic in a domain . Then the functions and
are harmonic in .

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 25
Harmonic Functions

Example 3.11

Show that the functions and are harmonic in any domain of the complex

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 26
Harmonic Functions
Harmonic Conjugate Functions
We have shown that if a function is analytic in a domain , then its real and
imaginary parts and are necessarily harmonic in . Now suppose is a given real
function that is known to be harmonic in . If it is possible to find another real
harmonic function so that and satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations
throughout the domain , then the function is called a harmonic conjugate of .
By combining the functions as we obtain a function that is analytic in .

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 27
Harmonic Functions

Example 3.12

a) Verify that the function is harmonic in the entire

complex plane.
b) Find the harmonic conjugate function of .

Complex Analysis
Analysis Section
Section 3: Analytic
Analytic Functions
Functions Lecturer:
Lecturer: Mardan
Mardan A.
A. Pirdawood
Pirdawood 28

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