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Ingles A1

Unidad 1: Activity 3 - Writing TaskForum

Laury Melissa Salazar Arias.

Natalia Andrea Lagos.
November 2018
Describing my family.

My family is made up of my parents, two sisters, a brother and

me. My father is a professional electrician, he works in the
mayor's office in the municipality of Turbo, he is too
responsible in all that you do for his work, my father is a fifty-
two year old man, a time in which he has always played in the
same work daily. My mother is a technician in the sale of
products and services but unfortunately she is not doing it at
these times she works in a family house on weekdays, she is
very organized and too much in everything she does for this
reason she has earned the love of her bosses, she is forty-two
years old.
My two sisters study high school, one of them is seventeen
years old, the other is fourteen years old, both of them are
very good students in their respective educational
institutions. My brother is eighteen years old and he carries
out construction work in some houses, the very quiet and of
a rather strong character. All of us are from the municipality
of Turbo Antioquia, we consider ourselves a strong family
since we have overcome multiple difficulties over time, we
share daily trying to show our affection and affect, besides
that we all make ourselves known that we are all for one and
one for everyone.

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