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Module 1 Professional Ethics

• A value is defined as principles that promotes well-
being or prevent harm
• Values are our guidelines for our success
Types of Values
Right conduct
1. Value related to Right Conduct

(a)Self help skills:-care of

professions,diet,hygiene,modesty,self reliance,tidy
appearance etc
(b)Social skills:-good behaviour,good
manners,good relatioships,helpfulness,no
wastage,&good environment
(c) Ethical skills:-code of
iniative,punctuality,respect for all &responsibility
2. Value related to peace

• Attention,calmness,concentration,dignity,

respect,sense-control &understanding
3. Value related to truth
• Accuracy ,Curiosity ,Fairness,
Honesty,Integrity ,Purity,Quest
for knowledge
• Self analysis,Sincerity, Trust,
• determination
4. Value related to love
• Acceptance,affection,consideration,d
,tolerance, &trust
5.Value related to Non-violence
• Psychological:consideration,concern for
yalty,morality and universal love
• Social :appreciation of other cultures and
religions,brotherhood,care of
awairness,respect for property and social
• Morality refers to human conduct
• Most humans have acquired or practised
certain moral principles or moral code or
norms. They accept them implicitly or
• Moral principles imply that a human being
must be treated with respect and dignity
• Morality guides human beings on
aspirations,ideals and values
“while morality refers to
human conduct ,values and ethics
refers to the nature of human
• Integrity means consistency in attitude
,emotions and conduct in relation to justified
moral values
• It represents unity in character based on
moral concern and honesty.
• “Honesty is an integral part of integrity”
• Integrity also implies truthfulness and trust
Work ethics
• It means a set of attitudes, related to the value
of work.
• Work ,creating a sense of personnel identity and
providing self esteem.
• Financial success or monetary gain alone cannot
be the sole criterion for work ethic.
• It is the moral responsibility of any workers to
respect ,honour,and protect the rights of others.
• By one’s work ,one cannot cause harm to
• It is the moral responsibility of the worker to
ensure that one’s rights,privacy or freedom
are impaired .
• Avoid arguments with employers when
working in a team and it is not ethical to
blame co-workers.
• It is aimed at ensuring the
-health and hygiene
-cultural and social development
• Work is good for the body and mind
• It promotes self-respect,self esteem,good for
the family and society
• Work lays a moral and meaningful foundation
for life.
• By work ethics ,duties to the
self,family,society and nation are fulfilled.
• Rights of individuals are respected.
• Quality of life is improved and the
environment protected.
• Un employment and under employment leads
to frustration,social tensions etc..
• Virtues are positive and preferred values
• Virtues are desirable attitudes or character traits,
motives and emotions
• Honesty,courage,compassion,integrity,fairness,tr
ansparency,self control etc. are examples of
• Virtues are tendencies which include solving
problems through peaceful and constructive
Civic virtues
• Civic virtues are the moral duties and rights, as citizen of
the village or the country or an integral part of the society
and organization.
The duties are
1. To pay taxes
2. To keep surroundings clean and green
3. Not to pollute the water and air
4. To establish a green and safe environment,pollution
free,corruption free and to follow ethical principles.
5. To seek legal remedy
Categories of civic virtues
• Civic knowledge:-we must understand the basis of our
responsibilities as citizens besides
duties and rights.
• Self Restraint:-each citizen must be able to control or
restrain himself
• Self Assertion:-citizens must be able to proud of their
rights and to have the courage to stand up in public and
defined their rights.
• Self Reliance:-these are free citizen in the sense that
they are not dependent on others for their basic needs.
Living Peacefully
• To live peacefully one should start install peace with in
• Charity begins at home.Then one can spread peace to
family,organization and world
• Only who are at peace can spread peace
Following are the means to live peacefully in the world
 Order in one’s life(self –regulation,discipline &duty)
 Pure thoughts in one’s soul
 Creativity in one’s head
 Beauty in one’s heart
 Good health/body(physical strength for
 Help the needy with head,herat,and hand

“Service to poor is considered holier than the

service to GOD”
• Factors that promote peace
 Conducive environment
 Secured job and motivated with “recognition
 Absence of threat or tension by pressure due to
limitations of money or time
 Absence of unnecessary interference or disturbance
 Service to the needy
 Healthy family relations and family situations
• This is a basic requirement for nurturing
friendship, team work etc.
• The principles are
– Recognize and accept the existence of other persons as human
– Respect other’s ideas(decisions),words and labour(actions)
– Appreciate colleagues, and subordinates on their positive actions
– Criticize constructively and encourage them

– Show ‘good will’ on others.Love others. Allow others to grow.

“Caring is feeling for others”
It includes respect to the feeling of others and
also respecting and preserving the interest of
others concerned
 It is reflected in activities such as friendship,
membership in clubs and professional bodies
various transactions in family..
Caring for the environment has become
necessity for our every survival

• Honesty is a virtue, and it is exhibited in two

aspects namely

Truthfulness:- to face the responsibilities upon

telling truth

Trustworthiness:-maintaining integrity and

taking responsibilities for personal performance
• Honesty is mirrored in many ways as-
Beliefs(intellectual honesty)
Communication(writing &speech)
Actions(means,timing,place& the goal)
Intended and unintended results achieved.
Actions that lead to dishonesty
 Lying
 Withholding information
 Not seeking the truth
 Not maintaining confidentiality
 Giving professional judgement under the
influence of factors such as personal benefits.
• Courage is the tendency to accept and face
risks and difficult tasks in a rational ways.
• Self confidence is the basic requirement to
nurture courage.
1. Physical courage
2. Social courage
3. Intellectual courage
• Physical courage: the trust is on the adequacy
of physical strength
• Social courage:involves the decisions and
actions to change the order based on the
conviction for or against certain social behavior.
• Intellectual courage:through acquired
The courageous people have the following
Perseverance(sustained hardwork)
Experimentation (preparedness to face the
challenges )
Valueing time
• Time is rare resource
• Co –operation means extending our help to others
• One has to co-operate with others.
• Co-operation should always be good for cause and
for commonly good.
• It may be through an idea, a suggestion,an
assistance or physical work which is extended to
others for common benefit
• Willingness to understand others,think and act
together are putting into practice is co-operation.
The impediments to successful co operation are
Lack of ego of individuals.
Lack of leadership and motivation
Conflicts of interests,based on
religion,language,and caste.
Ignorance and lack of interest.
• It means alignment to goals adherence to
ethical principles during the activities.
• It is the driving force to realize success.
• This is the basic requirement for any
• The commitment of top management will
naturally lead to committed employees.
• It is social radar.
• Sensing what others feel out ,without their
open talk ,is the essence of empathy.
• Empathy begins with showing concern, and
then obtaining and understanding the feelings
of others from other’s point of view.
• It is the essential ingradient for good human
relations and transactions
To practice empathy ,one must have or developed
in him /her the following charactrerstics
Understanding others
Service orientation
Develpoing others
Leveraging diversity(opportunities through
diverse people)
Political awairness
Self confidence
• Certainly in one’s own capabilities,values and
goals is self confidence.
• These people are usually positive
thinking,flexible,and willing to change.
• They respect others so much as they respect
Characterestics of self confident people

Self assured standing

Willing to listen to leran from others and
Frank to speak the truth
Respect others efforts and give due credits.
Factors that shape self confidence in a
people are
• Friendship
• Influence of superiors/role models
• Training in the organization
• Heredity(attitude of parents) and family
• It is the characteristic property that defines the
behaviour of an individual.
• It is pattern of virtues(morally desirable features)
• Character is exhibited through conduct.
• Character is determined by the expectations of the
• Character is the expression of the personality of a
human being.
• Character implies the certain unity of qualities with a
recognizable degree of consultancy in mode of action
Types of character
The sensitive
The active
The Apathetic
The intelligent
Ethics and character
• Different systems of ethics emphasize
different virtues in constituting the ideal moral
• The aim of education is not only the
cultivation of intellect but also the formation
of moral character.
Building character in the workplace
• Employee hiring,training,and promotion activities
• Internal communication (e.g. internal news
letters, work place posters in canteen and
recreation rooms)
• External communication(e.g. advertisement)
• Community outreach
Value education
• Value education is by which people give values to
• It can be an activity that can take place in any
organization during which people are assisted by
• It can take place at home, as well as in
schools,colleges,universities etc.
• Value education leads to success. it has a value of
hard work,how nobody is useless and loving studies.
Objectives of value education
• To improve the integral growth of human being.
• To create attitudes and improvement toward
sustainable life cycle
• To create and develop awareness about values and
their significance and role.
• To know about various living and non living organism
and their interactions with environment
• To increase awareness about our national history,
constitutional rights, community development and
Ethical dilemma
• It is a complex situation in which there is a
choice to be made between two options
,neither of which resolves the situation in an
ethically acceptable fashion.
Any decision where moral considerations are relevant
can potentially give rise to an ethical dilemma ,for
A decision that requires a choice between rules
A decision where there is a no rule or example to follow
A decision that morally requires two or more course of
action which are in practice incompatible with each other
A decision that should be taken in one’s self interest, but
which appears to violate a moral principle we support .

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