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Assertiveness In Nursing

• Assertiveness is standing up for your right
to be treated fairly. It is expressing your
opinions, needs, and feelings, without
ignoring or hurting the opinions, needs,
and feelings of others.
Ask yourself……..??????
• Are you able to express warm, positive
feeling to another person?
• Are you comfortable starting a conversion
with strangers at a party?
• Do you have difficulty saying “no” to
persuasive people?
• Do you sometimes feel ineffective in
making your desires clear to others?
 Can you express negative feelings about
other people and their behaviors without
using abusive language?
 Are you able to exercise and express your
 Can you easily recognize and compliment
other people’s achievements?
 Do you have the confidence to ask for what
is rightfully yours?
 Can you accept criticism without being
 Do you feel comfortable accepting
 Are you able to stand up for your rights?

 Are you able to refuse unreasonable

requests from friends, family, or co-
 Do you ask for assistance when you
need it ?
• A “NO” response to the questions
indicates a need of an assertive approach.
• If your answers to the questions above are
"Yes", then you are already on your way to
being a more assertive person.

• An honest, direct and appropriate

expression of one’s feelings, thoughts and

• Assertiveness is the ability to communicate

your needs, feelings, opinions, and beliefs
in an open and honest manner without
violating the rights of others.
Why be Assertive?
TO ASSERT -- To state an opinion, claim a
right, or establish authority. If you assert
yourself, you behave in a way that
expresses your confidence, importance or
power and earns you respect from others.
Oxford English Dictionary
• Assertive behaviour helps us feel good
about ourselves and increases our self
• It helps us feel good about other people
and increases our ability to develop
satisfying relationships with others.
• This is accomplished out of honesty,
directness, appropriateness and respecting
one’s own basic rights as well as the rights
of others.
• Being more assertive can lead to a more
rewarding life.
• It can improve upon existing aspects of
your life (such as better relationships with
friends and family) and completely change
or introduce other aspects (such as
personal or career opportunities.)
• Asserting yourself will stop others from
cheating you and you from cheating
yourself out of what you deserve.
Responding Patterns:
There are four patterns of responding to
others,which are;
• Non –assertive
• Assertive
• Aggressive
• Passive aggressive
Non –assertive Behaviour

• Individuals who are non assertive seek to

please others at the expense of denying
their basic human rights.
• They seldom let their true feelings show and
often feel hurt and anxious because they
allow others to choose for them.
• They often harbour anger and resentment.
Assertive behaviour
• Assertive individuals stand up for their on
rights while protecting the rights of others.
• They assume responsibilities for their choices
and allow others to choose for themselves.
• They communicate tactfully, using lots of “I”
• They are self confident and experience
satisfactory and pleasurable relationship with
Aggeresive behaviour

• Individuals who are aggressive defend their

own basic rights by violating the basic right of
• They say what is on their mind ,often at the
expense of others. Feelings are often
expressed dishonestly and appropriately.
• They want to increase their feelings of
power by dominating others. Aggressive
behaviour hinders interpersonal relationships.
Passive-aggressive behaviour

• Sometimes called indirect aggression, this

behavior takes the form of paasive,
nonconfronative actions.
• They allow others to make choices for
them , then resist by using passive
behavior .
• They are highly critical.
• The goal is domination through retaliation.
How to Behave More Assertively

If you want to be more assertive, but aren't

sure how, here are some tips to get you
started. But remember, the best way to
become more assertive is through practice.
Be Assertive
• Speak up when you have an idea or opinion.
• Stand up for your opinions and stick to them.
• Make requests and ask for favors.
• Refuse requests if they are unreasonable
• Accept both compliments and feedback
• Question rules or traditions that don't make
sense or don't seem fair.
• Insist that your rights be respected.
How to Behaving Less Aggressively

• If you want to be assertive but are

concerned that others may find you too
aggressive (or others have told you that
you are too aggressive), here are some
recommendations for turning aggressive
behavior into assertive behavior.
• Give others a chance to speak.
• Respect others' opinions
Be Diplomatic
• Expressing your opinion is important, but not
always at the expense of others. If you know what
you are going to say could be painful, yet you feel
it still needs to be said, try:
• Saying it in a kinder way (for example, "I disagree"
instead of "You're wrong");
• Cushioning your comment with a compliment (for
example, "Mary has had some great ideas, but I
just don't think this one will work" instead of
"That's stupid"); or
• Choose assertive (not aggressive)
• Focus on specific behavior and facts
instead of opinions (for example, "These
documents weren't filed in order" instead
of "You're sloppy and disorganized")
• Avoid exaggerations (for example, "You
were late for the third time this week"
instead of "You're never on time")
• Focus on "I" not "You" language (for
example, "I would like a chance to say
something" instead of "You're always
• Avoid bullying and demanding behavior.
• Avoid physically aggressive behavior
Role of the nurse
• It is important for nurses to become aware
of and recognize their own behavioural
responses. Are they mostly non-assertive
aggressive, assertive, passive aggressive?
The ability to respond assertively is
especially important to nurses who are
committed to further development of the
• Nurses who understand and use
assertiveness skills themselves can in turn
assist clients who wish to effect
behavioural change in an effort to increase
self esteem and improve interpersonal
• Assertive skills facilitate the
implementation of change-change that is
required if the image of nursing is to be
upgraded to the level of professionalism
that most nurses desire.
• Assertive communication is useful in the
political arena who choose to become
involved at both state and national level in
striving to influence legislation and, to
improve the system of health care in our

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