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Presentación servicios SETIQ

What it means SETIQ?

SETIQ is the (Emergency Transportation System for the Chemical Industry), that was created
in August 28th, 1991 by the Mexico´s Chemical Industry Association   (ANIQ)  in order to
satisfy the need to have a Chemical Emergency System in Transportation that could operate
twenty-four hours a day, 365 days per year.

SETIQ has established a data bank on chemicals and is staffed by professional personnel
specialized in emergency response and experienced in interpreting technical information and
providing advice (called communicators).

Its very important to mention that SETIQ staff does not go to the site of an incident. Advice
and information are provided only by phone.

Since almost 15 years ago, SETIQ system has been considerated the most important source of
chemical information in Mexico.

Chemical companies register by ANIQ, automatically are members of SETIQ.

Presentación servicios SETIQ


Although modern life depends heavily on industrial chemicals for goods of all kinds, some risk
to health and safety of people and the environment can ocurr when hazardous materials escape
or threaten to escape from their containers.

Therefore, we need to conform the mechanics to respond a chemical incident that can harm

In august 1991 the Chemical Industry in Mexico although of ANIQ (Asociación Nacional de la
Industria Química) established in Mexico City an information center of chemical products
which could help to the industry to understand its vital role in this important topic.

Since then SETIQ has been the most important center of this kind in the country and its widely
recognized by firefighters, emergency physicians, corporate and accupational health
professionals, authorities and, of course, the industry as part of the community.
Presentación servicios SETIQ

Using SETIQ´s facilities, comunicators use their computerized information as well as their
knowledge and provide immediate advice and recommend actions to be taken, and those to avoid, in
dangerous goods emergencies, such as:

•Chemical, physical and toxicological properties and incompatibilities of the dangerous goods
•Health hazards and first aid;
•Fire, explosion, spill or leak hazards;
•Remedial actions for the protection of life, property and the environment;
•Evacuation distances;
•Personal protective clothing and decontamination.
What it does SETIQ when an emergency is in process?

•Provide technical, especific and timely information that can be used first-reponders in
a chemical emergency in order to reduce consequences produced by a chemical product.
•Notify to the owner, carrier and consignator about incident (commonly in land transportation)
•Be the link among authorities, firefighters, medical service and the industry.
Presentación servicios SETIQ


•Toll-free phone number (inside Mexico only).
•Capacity to keep in conference and/or hold two or more people at the same time.
•10 telephone lines exclusive for emergencies calls.
•Automatic Recording System.


• Extensive Data Base (more than 290,000 MSDS in english and spanish)
Search by UN identification numer, technical or comercial names, risk class, CAS
numbers and/or Companies names.
• Toxicological, medica, and legal information for the most common materials.
• Updated Chemical´s Industry Directory in Mexico. Access to a large number of
industry data banks and has communication links with their emergency response centers.
• The data bank is computerized with easy access to comprehensive information on
individual product properties.
Presentación servicios SETIQ


All the staff, especially comunicators, have been
trained in order to handling chemical emergency
situations with hazardous materials.


• Interior Ministery (SG)

• Comunications & Transportation Ministery (SCT)
• Environmental Ministery (SEMARNAT)
• Railroad Companies (TFM, TFVM, Ferrosur, Ferromex, Ferrocarriles
Nacionales )
• PEMEX (Mexican Oil Company)
• Civil Defense, Highway Patrol, Fire fighters, Private Mutual Aid Groups, etc.
Presentación servicios SETIQ


In addition to these data banks, SETIQ has access to, among others, the following resources:

•An emergency response reference library

•Directories of  chemical manufacturers, shippers and carriers
•Directories of aid mutual groups across the country including public agencies both
federal and municipal, medical facilities, fire fighters, local civil defense and health

Contact with similar centers around the world. For instance: CHEMTREC in the US,
CANUTEC in Canada and CISPROQUIM in Colombia.
Presentación servicios SETIQ
How SETIQ operates?

1.  When an incident is reported, SETIQ provides

technical specific and timely information, in
order to assist emergencies raised in the
of chemical products.

2.  Notifies the emergency situation to the supplier,

the material´s owner, to the carrier and to
emergency groups. If is the case, RATEQ is

3.  Coordinates the response in connection  with

other emergencies groups.

4.  Is in touch constantly with the organisations

invoved until the situation is under control.
Elaborates a final report. PROPIETARIO
Presentación servicios SETIQ


     In addition, SETIQ has available, among others, for sale:

Placards and placards holders for trucks

Hazard communication labels (UN, NFPA, HMIS)
Signs with SETIQ´s phone numbers
North American Emergency Response Guidebook
Top-Ten Safety Actions in Transportation Handbook
MSDS Dictionary Pocket size edition
Material Safety Data Sheets (both english & spanish)
Land Trasportation HazMat Federal Regulations
Drill & Simulations Videos
Presentación servicios SETIQ

Others services

SETIQ staff also provides institutional represetation service on aspects of the regulatory
requirements for the handling, offering for transport and transporting of dangerous goods by all
modes of transport in oreder to reduce the chemical-emergency consequences.

•Ethylene Oxide Workgroup

•Ammonia workgroup
•Chlorine workshop
SETIQ also developments some studies, articles and safety recommendations related with
hazardous materials (HazMat).
Information on individual chemical characteristics and historical data on accidents and other
relevant research information involving a given chemical, is analysed to provide data for the
interpretation of trends in the contingency planning and emergency response fields.
Carriers & Companies registered to SETIQ
24-hours Legal assistence by phone
Presentación servicios SETIQ


For 2005, SETIQ´s training section had trained more than 3,500 people in private organisations
and almost 6,500 public organisations. These courses were imparted in 22 of 31 states inside the
Mexican Republic.

• Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents Course (awareness, operational
and technician levels)

• Drivers who carry Hazardous Materials Course

• Trasportation HazMat Federal Regulations Up date Seminar

• Responsable Care Program; Transportation & Distribution Code Implantation


• Confinated Spaces Rescue Course

• Others.

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