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Physiological Influences on

• The British empiricists had argued that sensation was the only source
of knowledge. The astronomer Bessel had demonstrated the impact
on observation of individual differences in sensation and perception.
Physiologists were defining the structure and function of the senses.
• It was time to experiment with and to quantify this doorway to the
mind: the subjective, mentalistic experience of sensation. Techniques
had been available to investigate the body, and now they were being
developed to explore the mind. Experimental psychology was ready to
The Beginnings of Experimental Psychology
• Four scientists can be credited with the initial applications of the
experimental method to the mind, the subject matter of the new
psychology: Hermann von Helmholtz, Ernst Weber, Gustav Theodor
Fechner, and Wilhelm Wundt.
• All were German scientists who had been trained in physiology, and
all were aware of the impressive developments in modern science.
Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894)
• One of the greatest scientists of the nineteenth century, Hermann von Helmholtz was a prolific
researcher in physics and physiology. Psychology ranked third among his areas of scientific
contribution, yet his work, together with that of Fechner and Wundt, was instrumental in
beginning the new psychology.
• He emphasized a mechanistic and deterministic approach, assuming that the human sense organs
functioned like machines. He also liked technical analogies, such as comparing the transmission of
nerve impulses to the operation of the telegraph.
• He mathematically formulated the law of the conservation of energy.
• In doing research on physiological optics, he invented the ophthalmoscope, a device still used to
examine the retina of the eye. This revolutionary instrument made possible the diagnosis and
treatment of retinal disorders.
• He also wrote on such diverse subjects as afterimages, color blindness, human eye movements,
the formation of glaciers, geometrical axioms, and hay fever. In later years, Helmholtz contributed
indirectly to the invention of wireless telegraphy and radio.
Helmholtz’s Contributions to the New Psychology
• Of major importance to psychology are Helmholtz’s investigations of the speed of the neural impulse and his
research on vision and hearing. Scientists had assumed that the nerve impulse was instantaneous, or at least that
it traveled too fast to be measured.
• Helmholtz provided the first empirical measurement of the rate of conduction by stimulating a motor nerve and
the attached muscle in the leg of a frog. He arranged the demonstration so that the precise moment of
stimulation and of the resulting movement could be recorded. Working with nerves of different length, he
recorded the delay between stimulation of the nerve near the muscle and the muscle’s response, and did the
same for stimulation farther from the muscle. These measurements yielded the conduction speed of the neural
impulse: 90 feet per second.
• Helmholtz also experimented on the reaction times for sensory nerves in human subjects, studying the complete
circuit from stimulation of a sense organ to the resulting motor response. The findings showed such enormous
individual differences—as well as differences for the same person from one trial to the next—that he abandoned
the research.
• Helmholtz’s demonstration that the speed of conduction was not instantaneous suggested that thought and
movement follow each other at a measurable interval and do not occur simultaneously, as had been thought.
However, Helmholtz was interested in the measurement itself and not its psychological significance.
• Later, the implications of his research for the new psychology were recognized by others, who made
reaction-time experiments a fruitful line of research. Helmholtz’s work was one of the earliest instances of
experimentation and measurement for a psychophysiological process. His studies on vision also had an
impact on the new psychology.
• Helmholtz investigated the external eye muscles and the mechanism by which internal eye muscles focus
the lens. He revised and extended a theory of color vision published in 1802 by Thomas Young, and this
work is now known as the Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision. No less important is Helmholtz’s
research on audition, specifically the perception of tones, the nature of harmony and discord, and the
problem of resonance. The enduring influence of his ideas and experiments is evident from the fact that
they are still cited in modern psychology textbooks.
• He focused on the applied or practical benefits of scientific research. Helmholtz did not believe in
conducting experiments just to accumulate data. In his view, the mission of a scientist was to gather
information and then to extend or apply that growing body of knowledge to practical problems. Helmholtz
was not a psychologist, nor was psychology his major interest, but he contributed a large and important
body of knowledge to the study of the human senses. Thus, his work helped strengthen the experimental
approach to the study of topics that would become central to the new psychology.
Ernst Weber (1795–1878)
• His primary research interest was the physiology of the sense organs,
an area in which he made outstanding contributions.
• Thus, he applied physiology’s experimental methods to problems of a
psychological nature.
• Previous research on the sense organs had been conducted almost
exclusively on the higher senses of vision and hearing.
• Weber explored new fields, notably cutaneous (skin) senses and
muscular sensations.
Two-Point Thresholds
• A significant contribution to the new psychology involved Weber’s experimental
determination of the accuracy of the two-point discrimination of the skin—that is, the
distance between two points that must be spanned before subjects report feeling two distinct
sensations. Without looking at the apparatus, which resembles a drawing compass, subjects
are asked to report whether they feel one or two points touching the skin.
• When the two points of stimulation are close together, subjects report a sensation of being
touched at only one point. As the distance between the two sources of stimulation is
increased, subjects report uncertainty about whether they feel one or two sensations. Finally,
a distance is reached where subjects report two distinct points of touch.
• This procedure demonstrates the two-point threshold, the point at which the two separate
sources of stimulation can be distinguished. Weber’s research marks the first systematic,
experimental demonstration of the concept of threshold (the point at which a psychological
effect begins to be produced), an idea widely used in psychology from its beginnings to the
present day.
Just Noticeable Differences
• Weber’s research led to the formulation of psychology’s first quantitative law. He wanted to determine the just noticeable
difference (jnd)—that is, the smallest difference between weights that could be detected. He asked his subjects to lift two
weights—a standard weight and a comparison weight—and to report whether one felt heavier than the other. Small
differences between the weights resulted in judgments of sameness; large differences resulted in judgments of disparity
between the weights.
• As his research program progressed, Weber found that the just noticeable difference between two weights was a constant
ratio, 1:40, of the standard weight. In other words, a weight of 41 grams was reported to be “just noticeably different”
from a standard weight of 40 grams, and an 82-gram weight was just noticeably different from a standard weight of 80
• Weber then asked how muscle sensations might contribute to a person’s ability to distinguish between the weights. He
found that subjects could make such discriminations much more accurately when they lifted the weights themselves (by
receiving muscular sensations in hands and arms) than when the experimenter placed the weights in their hands.
• Actually hefting the weights involved tactile (touch) and muscular sensations, whereas when the weights were placed in
the palms, only tactile sensations were experienced. Because subjects could detect smaller differences between the
weights when the weights were lifted (a ratio of 1:40) than when the weights were placed in the hand (a ratio of 1:30),
Weber concluded that the internal muscular sensations in the first instance must have an influence on the subjects’ ability
to discriminate.
• From these experiments, Weber suggested that discrimination among sensations
depended not on the absolute difference between two weights but on their relative
difference or ratio.
• His experiments on visual discrimination found that the ratio was smaller than for the
muscle sense experiments. He then proposed a constant ratio for the just noticeable
difference between two stimuli that would be consistent for each of the human senses.
• Weber’s research showed that there is not a direct correspondence between a physical
stimulus and our perception of it. Like Helmholtz, however, Weber was interested only in
the physiological processes and did not appreciate the significance of his work for
• His research provided a method for investigating the relationship between body and mind
—between the stimulus and the resulting sensation. This was a vital break through; what
was required now was for someone to act on its importance.
Mind and Body: A Quantitative Relationship
(Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801–1887))
• Fechner had a flash of insight about the connection between mind and body: It could be found, he said, in a quantitative relationship
between a mental sensation and a material stimulus.
• An increase in the intensity of a stimulus, Fechner argued, does not produce a one to one increase in the intensity of the sensation. Rather, a
geometric series characterizes the stimulus and an arithmetic series characterizes the sensation. For example, adding the sound of one bell
to that of an already ringing bell produces a greater increase in sensation than adding one bell to 10 others already ringing. Therefore, the
effects of stimulus intensities are not absolute but are relative to the amount of sensation that already exists.
• What this simple yet brilliant revelation means is that the amount of sensation (the mental quality) depends on the amount of stimulation
(the physical quality). To measure the change in sensation, we must measure the change in stimulation. Thus, it is possible to formulate a
quantitative or numerical relationship between the mental and material worlds.
• Fechner crossed the barrier between body and mind by relating one to the other empirically, making it possible to conduct experiments on
the mind. Fechner proposed two ways to measure sensations.
• First, we can determine whether a stimulus is present or absent, sensed or not sensed. Second, we can measure the stimulus intensity at
which subjects report that the sensation first occurs; this is the absolute threshold of sensitivity—a point of intensity below which no
sensation is reported and above which subjects do experience a sensation.
• Although the idea of an absolute threshold is useful, its usefulness is limited because only one value of a sensation—its lowest level—can be
• To relate both intensities, we must be able to specify the full range of stimulus values and their
resulting sensation values. To accomplish this, Fechner proposed the differential threshold of
sensitivity: the least amount of change in a stimulus that gives rise to a change in sensation.
• For example, by how much must a weight be increased or decreased before subjects will sense
the change—before they will report a just noticeable difference in sensation?
• To measure how heavy a particular weight feels to a person (how heavy a subject senses it to
be), we cannot use the physical measurement of the object’s weight. However, we can use that
physical measurement as a basis for measuring the sensation’s psychological intensity.
• First, we measure by how much the weight must be decreased in intensity before a subject is
barely able to discriminate the difference. Second, we change the weight of the object to this
lower value and measure the size of the differential threshold again. Because both weight
changes are just barely noticeable to the subject, Fechner assumed they were subjectively
• This process can be repeated until the object is barely felt by the subject. If every decrease in weight is subjectively equal to every other
decrease, then the number of times the weight must be decreased—the number of just noticeable differences—can be taken as an
objective measure of the subjective magnitude of the sensation.
• In this way we are measuring the stimulus values necessary to create a difference between two sensations. Fechner suggested that for each
of the human senses there is a certain relative increase in stimulus intensity that always produces an observable change in the intensity of
the sensation. Thus, the sensation (the mind or mental quality) as well as the stimulus (the body or material quality) can be measured. The
relationship between the two can be stated in the form of an equation: S = K log R, in which S is the magnitude of the sensation, K is a
constant, and R is the magnitude of the stimulus. The relationship is logarithmic; one series increases arithmetically and the other
• In his later writings, Fechner noted that this idea for describing the mind-body relationship had not been suggested to him by Weber’s work,
even though he had attended Weber’s lectures at the University of Leipzig and Weber had published on the topic a few years earlier.
Fechner maintained that he did not discover Weber’s work until after he had begun the experiments designed to test his hypothesis. It was
only some time later that Fechner realized that the principle to which he gave mathematical form was essentially what Weber’s work had
Methods of psychophysics
• The immediate result of Fechner’s insight was his research on psychophysics. (The word defines itself: the relationship between the mental
[psycho-] and material [physics] worlds.) In the course of this work, which included experiments on lifted weights, visual brightness, visual
distance, and tactile distance, Fechner developed one and systematized two of the three fundamental methods used in psychophysics
research today.
• The method of average error, or method of adjustment, consists in having subjects adjust a variable stimulus until they perceive it to be
equal to a constant standard stimulus. Over a number of trials, the mean, or average, value of the differences between the standard
stimulus and the subjects’ setting of the variable stimulus represents the error of observation. This technique is useful for measuring
reaction times as well as visual and auditory discriminations. In a larger sense, it is basic to much psychological research; every time we
calculate a mean we are essentially using the method of average error.
• The method of constant stimuli involves two constant stimuli, and the aim is to measure the stimulus difference required to produce a
given proportion of correct judgments. For example, subjects first lift a standard weight of 100 grams and then lift a comparison weight of,
say, 88, 92, 96, 104, or 108 grams. The subjects must judge whether the second weight is heavier, lighter, or equal to the first.
• In the method of limits, two stimuli (for example, two weights) are presented to the subjects. One stimulus is increased or decreased until
subjects report that they detect a difference. Data are obtained from a number of trials, and the just noticeable differences are averaged to
determine the differential threshold.

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