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1. PASMLE Fix Me
Arrange and identify the words from scrabbled letters.
Learning Objectives
Discusses the different sampling procedure and sample to
be used in a qualitative research.
Uses the appropriate sampling procedure and sample in a
given research context.
Demonstrate cooperation in group tasks
Shows eagerness in research writing
Yehudi is a student researcher. He’s interested in studying
why people believe the way they do about the issue on Extra-
Judicial Killing. He puts together a survey asking people for
reasons to support their side about the issue on Extra-Judicial
Killing. Yehudi is puzzled as to who will be his respondents of
the study. He wants his research to say something about the
opinions of the Grade 11 and 12 Senior High School Students
in Bohol, but it wouldn’t be possible for him to give the
survey to every Grade 11 and 12 Senior High School Students
in Bohol because that would take forever. So, he needs to
develop a sample, or group of subjects. This is done through
a process called sampling. The goal is to choose a sample
that represents the whole population so that Yehudi can
make inferences about the population from his sample.
What have you observed about the
situation of Yehudi?
If you were Yehudi, what will you do to
choose/select your respondents?
Why it is must to critically choose the
correct sampling procedure?
In qualitative research, a sample is a smaller set of
cases a researcher selects from a large group and
generalizes to the population.

Three things must be clear to the researcher:

 how much data s/he needs
 how s/he will select the sample
 how s/he will get participants if human participants are needed
◦ Experts say that the researcher needs a sample that
is appropriate to the research question and the
theoretical aims of the study, and that provides an
adequate amount of data to fully analyze the topic
and answer the research questions.
The beginning of sampling could be traced back to the
early political activities of the Americans in 1920 when
Literary Digest did a pioneering survey about the American
citizens’ favorite among the 1920 presidential candidates.
This was the very first survey that served as the impetus for
the discovery by academic researchers of other sampling
strategies that they categorized into two classes: probability
sampling or unbiased sampling and non-probability
sampling (Babbie 2013)
What is population?
- The bigger group from where you choose
the sample
What is Sampling?
Is a word that refers to your method or process of
selecting respondents or people to answer questions
meant to yield data for a research study
How about sample?
The chosen one constitute the sample through which you will derive
facts and evidence to support the claims or conclusions propounded
by your research problem.

Is a group of people, objects, or items that are taken from a larger

population for measurement. The sample should be representative
of the population to ensure that we can generalise the findings from
the research sample to the population as a whole
Sampling frame
The term used to mean list of the members of such
population from where you will get the sample
The beginning of sampling could be traced back to
the early political activities of the Americans in 1920
when Literary Digest did a pioneering survey about
the American citizen’s favorite among the 1920
presidential candidates.
Two general categories of Sampling
1. Probability Sampling or Unbiased Sampling
2. Non-Probability Sampling
Probability Sampling or Unbiased
- involves all members listed in the sampling frame
representing a certain population focused on by your
- an equal chance of participation in the sampling or
selection process is given to every member listed in
the sampling frame.
Types of Probability Sampling
1. Simple Random Sampling
2. Systematic Sampling
3. Stratified Sampling
4. Cluster Sampling
Types of Probability Sampling
1. Simple Random Sampling
Happens through any of these two method
> Have a list of all members of the population; write each name
on a card, and choose cards through a pure-chance selection
> Have a list of all members; give a number to member and
then use randomized or unordered numbers in selecting names
from the list.
Types of Probability Sampling
2. Systematic Sampling
◦ for this kind of probability sampling, chance and system are the
ones to determine who should compose the sample
◦ For instance, if you want to have a sample of 150, you may
select a set of numbers like 1 to 15, and out of list of 1,500
students, take every 15th name in the list until you complete the
total number of respondents to constitute your sample.
Types of Probability Sampling
3. Stratified Sampling
◦ The group comprising the sample is chosen in a way
that such group is liable to subdivision during the data
analysis stage
Types of Probability Sampling
4. Cluster Sampling
◦ This is a probability sampling that makes you isolate a set of
persons instead of individual members to serve as sample
◦ For example, if you want to have a sample of 120 out of 1,000
students, you can randomly select three sections with 40
students each to constitute the sample.
Non-Probability Sampling
◦ Disregards random selection of subjects
◦ The subjects are chosen based on their availability
or the purpose of the study, and some cases, on the
sole discretion of the researcher.
Types of Non-Probability Sampling
1. Quota Sampling
2. Voluntary Sampling
3. Purposive or Judgmental Sampling
4. Availability Sampling
5. Snowball Sampling
Types of Non-Probability Sampling
1. Quota Sampling – you resort to quota
sampling when you think you know the
characteristics of the target population very
well. In this case, you tend to choose sample
members processing or indicating the
characteristics of the target population.
Types of Non-Probability Sampling
2. Voluntary Sampling – since the subjects
you expect to participate in the sample
selection are the ones volunteering to
constitute the sample, there is no need for you
to do any selection process.
Types of Non-Probability Sampling
3. Purposive or Judgmental Sampling – you
chooses people whom you are sure could
correspond to the objectives of your study, like
selecting those with rich experience or interest
in your study.
Types of Non-Probability Sampling
4. Availability Sampling – the willingness of a
person as your subject to interact with you counts a
lot in this non-probability sampling method.
Types of Non-Probability Sampling
5. Snowball Sampling – similar to snow expanding widely
or rolling rapidly, this sampling methods does not give a
specific set of samples. This is true for a study involving
unspecified group of people. Dealing with varied groups of
people such as street children, mendicants, drug
dependents, call center workers, informal settlers, street
vendors, and the like is possible in this kind of non-
probability sampling.
1.Identify the differences between the probability and
non-probability sampling as method of selecting sample?
2. Which among the two sampling procedure is most likely
use in selecting your sample?
3. Based from the research problem of Yehudi, what is the
appropriate sampling procedure to be used? Explain why?
4. Why is there a must to critically choose the correct
sampling procedure in research?
Group Meet Up
Go to your respective Research Group, discuss in
your group what appropriate sampling method for
your chosen research topic. Justify your reasons why
you choose such sampling method. Choose
representative to present your work.
As researchers, you will not be responsible for
selecting the sampling method. The
explanations given are meant to help you
understand the reasons for using each method.
In a ¼ sheet of paper, write P if the sentence talks
about probability sampling otherwise, write NP if its
________1. Checking every 10th student in the list
________2. Interviewing some persons you meet on the
________3. Dividing 100 persons into groups
________4. Choosing subjects behaving like the majority
members of NPC town
________5. Choosing a group of subjects among several
_______6. Choosing subjects capable of helping you meet the
aim of your study
_______7. Choosing samples by chance but through an
organizational pattern
_______8. Letting all members in the population join the
selection process
_______9. Having people willing to be chosen as respondents
_______10. Matching people’s traits with the population
members’ traits

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