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• Electronic marketing is a great change. As online shopping grows it plays a

significant role on relationship between the seller and their customers. As online
shopping grows several problems may encounter by online shoppers that affects
the level of their satisfaction.
Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of Senior High School students in terms of the following.

A. Age

b. Gender

c. Strand

2. What are the factors that may affect the level of satisfaction of the customers?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and their
satisfaction of online shopping?
Summary and Conclusion

• The researchers conclude that most of the respondents are at the age of 16-19 years old. Also,
more than half of the respondents are female and from grade 11. It is evident that most of the

respondents are from General Academic Strand. The objective of this study is to assesses the
factors that influence the level of satisfaction of the costumers. The survey method is employed
to collect data a standardizes questionnaire. According to the findings the of this study costumers
are more concern about quality of packaging and availability of the product.

1.Based on the gathered data, the researchers recommend to online shoppers to review those

feedbacks of the seller to surely determine if the seller selling the right product as posted.

2.The researchers strongly recommend that the online seller should clarify the information about the

product posted.

3.The researchers recommend that the future researcher who will do this kind of study should consider

more factors for further understanding about online shopping satisfaction and serve as their

background information in doing their research.

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