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• A B D U L YA M I N
• A M A N D A D H E A P. A
• A N I TA D E W I
• B AY U A D I P U T R A P E R M A N A
• D E W I WA N H Y U N I N G S I H
• D W I P U AT S
• M U H A M M A D FA U Z A N H A D I
Simple Sentence Definition
Simple sentence is the most basic sentence in English. It consists of only
one independent clause. A complete simple sentence consists of subject
and predicate. Simple sentences can be long or short but the important
thing is that it has a group of words with the correct grammar structure.

Simple sentence adalah kalimat yang paling mendasar dalam bahasa
Inggris. Ia terdiri dari satu independent clause saja. Simple sentence
yang lengkap terdiri dari subjek dan predikat. Simple sentence bisa
panjang maupun pendek tapi yang penting ia memiliki sekelompok kata
dengan struktur grammar yang benar.
Simple Sentence Function

By writing the correct simple sentence, we can convey whatever we want.

Readers of our sentences will also more easily digest what has been
said. With simple sentences, we can express various expressions,
opinions or ideas from easy to difficult levels.

Dengan penulisan simple sentence yang benar maka kita dapat
menyampaikan apapun yang kita inginkan. Pembaca kalimat kita juga
akan dengan lebih mudah mencerna apa yang telah disampaikan.
Dengan simple sentence, kita dapat mengungkapkan berbagai ekspresi,
opini atau ide dari tingkatan yang mudah hingga yang susah.
Types of Simple Sentence

Subject + Verb
Subject + Verb + Object
Subject + Verb + Adjective
Subject + Verb + Adverb
Subject + Verb + Noun
More than one subject or object
More than one verb
Example Types Simple Sentence
1. Subject + Verb

A sentence can consist only with subject and verb only. With the formula
can be written like this Simple Sentence = Subject + Verb. It is important
to know that verbs will always be placed after the subject has been called.
Below are a few sample sentences:

Simple Sentence (Subject + Verb) Arti Kalimat

The girl cries. Gadis itu menangis.

Fatima laughs. Fatima tertawa.
She shouted. Dia berteriak.
I study. Aku belajar
2. Subject + Verb + Object

Simple sentences can consist of subject, verb and object as well. The
formula is Simple Sentence = Subject + Verb + Object. By adding
objects, simple sentences can be seen to be more contained. Below
are a few examples of the sentence.

Simple Sentence (Subject + Verb +

Arti Kalimat

My mother sews the shirt at home. Ibuku menjahit bajunya di rumah.

I love music. Aku sangat suka musik.

Tom telah menyelamatkan anak-anak

Tom saved the kitten on the street.
kucing di jalan.
3. Subject + Verb + Adjective

This one simple sentence contains subject, verb and adjective. The
formula is Simple Sentence = Subject + Verb + Adjective. Because
adjective is an adjective, this simple sentence can explain the subject.
The verb used here is verb to be (am, are, is, was, were). Here are
some examples of sentences.

Simple Sentence (Subject + Verb +

Arti Kalimat
I am funny. Aku lucu.
Hendri was cruel. Hendri tadi jahat.
She is sad. Dia sedih.
We were dissappointed. Kita kecewa.
They are nice. Mereka baik
4. Subject + Verb + Adverb

For the following simple sentence there are subject, verb and adverb.
The formula is Simple Sentence = Subject + Verb + Adverb. Because
adverb is an adverb, this simple sentence can provide a description of
the action (verb) that the subject is doing. Let's look at a few examples
of the sentence.

Simple Sentence (Subject + Verb +

Arti Kalimat
I whisper quietly. Aku berbisik dengan pelan.
She dances gracefully. Dia menari dengan anggun.
The cat jumps low. Kucingnya lompat dengan rendah.
We are going now. Kita pergi sekarang.
5. Subject + Verb + Noun

This last simple sentence consists of subject, verb and noun. The
formula is Simple Sentence = Subject + Verb + Noun. Noun is a noun
for people, animals or ideas. For more, try reading here. Below are a
few examples of the sentence

Simple Sentence (Subject + Verb

Arti Kalimat
+ Noun)
I am a pilot. Aku seorang pilot.
She drives a car. Dia menyetir mobil.
Julie is a teacher. Julie adalah seorang guru.
He is a student. Dia adalah seorang pelajar.
6. Subject or Object More Than One

The subject in a simple sentence does not only amount to one.

Subjects in simple sentences can amount to more than one or in other
words can be compound. Likewise with objects. Simple sentence
objects can be two or more. Maybe you have seen in some examples
of sentences above. But we will give more examples like the ones

Simple Sentence (Subject/Object

Arti Kalimat
Helen and Chris work on the school Helen dan Chris mengerjakan majalah
magazine. sekolah.
My grandmother and grandfather cooked Nenek dan kakekku memasak banyak
many food. makanan.
Temanku dan aku mengkoleksi banyak
My friends and I collect many stickers.
7. More than one verb

Verbs in simple sentences can also be more than one. So in one

simple sentence, there can be two or more verbs. This can make the
actions contained in simple sentences look more detailed and varied.
Here is an example sentence.

Simple Sentence (Kata Kerja Majemuk) Arti Kalimat

We copied and edited the pictures. Kita mengkopi dan mengedit foto-fotonya .

Mereka menulis lalu menghapus kata-

They wrote then erased the words.
The movie holds a meet and greet for the Filmnya mengadakan acara bertemu dan
fans. sapa untuk para penggemar.

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