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Asuhan Keperawatan Anak

dengan Gangguan Imunologi

Ns. Dina Nurpita S, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An

Based concept
 Immunity refers to natural or induced
resistance to infection.
 Immunodeficiency: incapacity to mount an
appropriate immune response. Temporary
immune deficiencies may follow a common
viral infection, surgery, blood transfusion, and
 Immunologic disorder: immunodeficiency,
autoimmune disorders, or allergy
 Past medical history:
 Maternal HIV infecton
 Frequent, recurrent infections: otitits media, sinusitis, pneumonia
 Chronic cough
 Recurrent low grade fever
 Two or more serious infection in early childhood
 Recurrent deep skin or organ abcesses
 Persistent thrush in the mouth
 Growth failure

 Family history:
 Autoimmune disoder
 Allergy: allergen?
Nursing diagnoses
 Ineffective protection
 Imbalanced nutrition: less thn body
 Pain
 Impaired skin integrity
 Activity intolerance
 Delayed growth and development
Secondary Immunodeficiences
 As result of chronic illness, malignancy, use of
immunosuppressive medication, malnutrition/
protein-losing state, prematurity, HIV infection
HIV Infection
 Lab/diagnostic test:
 Reverse trancriptase-polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) test  determine HIV infection in infant
>1 month and exlude HIV infection earlier.
 Enzyme-linked immunosrbent assay (ELISA) test
 positve in infants of HIV-infected mother
because of transplacentally receive antibodies.
 CD4 counts  low in HIV infecion
Preventing HIV infection in children
 Semua ibu hamil rutin konseling HIV dan VCT
 Ibu hamil yg positif HIV harus konsumsi ARV
tergantung usia kehamilannya
 Anak yang lahir dari ibu positif HIV haru mendapat
terapi khusus zidovudine selama 6 minggu
 Hindari breastfeeding pada ibu positif HIV
 Jika anak sudah positif HIV maka edukasi dan
dukungan keluarga sangat penting terkait
kepatuhan ARV.
Autoimmune Disorders
 Result from the immune system’s malfunction
 The body manufactures T cells and antibodies
against its own cells and organs
 Multifactorial causes: heredity, hormones, self-
marker molecules, and enviromental influences
such as viruses and certain drugs
 Ex: SLE, juvenile idiopathic Arthritis

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