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 Marc Joshua Agpaoa
 Riel Ashly Ngayanan
 John Dave Rosales
 Melody Ancheta
 Joyce Francisco

Trip Across The Atlantic

• After visiting the United States, Rizal
boarded the S.S CITY OF ROME route to
• While on board, they entertained the
American and European passengers with
his skill in yoyo.
Trip Across the Atlantic


He stayed in London
from May 1888 to
March 1889
Why did he choose to stay in London?

1. To improve his knowledge of the English language

2. To study and annotate Antonio de Morga’s Sucesos de

Las Islas Filipinas
3. London was a safe place for him to carry out his fight
against Spanish tyranny

Antonio de Morga Sucesos de Las Islas

Ireland on May 24, 1888
From there, he embarked on
a ferry boat going to
QUEENSTOWN in  and stayed at Adelphi Hotel
 By train he arrived at LONDON on May 25, 1888

 Upon his arrival, he stopped at Grand Hotel

He stayed as a guest at the home of DR. ANTONIO

MA. REGIDOR, an 1872 exile and a practicing
He transferred to a private
home in N0. 37 Chalcot
Crescent, Primrose Hill
This is owned by the

Mr. Beckett, an organist of St. Paul’s Church

Mrs. Beckett
4 Daughters (Gertrude, Balnche, Flory and Grace)
2 Sons
 Rizal came to know DR. REINHOLD ROST through a letter
from Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt

● Librarian of the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs
● Authority on Malayan
language and customs
● Called Rizal “a pearl of a
man” as he was impressed by
his learning and character.
Bad News from Home

Persecution of the Filipino patriots who signed the
Anti-Friar Petition 1888
The Calamba Agrarian Conflict of 1888 in which
the tenants, including Rizal’s family, were being
persecuted by the Dominicans
Bad News from Home

MANUEL T. HIDALGO (husband of Saturnina) was exiled to Bohol

MARIANO HERBOSA (husband of Lucia) was denied of Christian

burial because of the malicious rumor that he had not confessed since
LUREANO VIADO, a medical student at UST and a friend of Rizal,
was imprisoned because of owning a copy of Noli Me Tangere
Good News from Home


the Noli Me Tangere against the

attack of the friars, He heard this news from

Mariano Ponce

 On January 7, 1891, Rizal wrote to Father Garcia expressing his

personal gratitude
OF 1889

Universal Exposition of 1889
 it was a world’s fair held in Paris, France from May 6, 1889 to October 31,
 held during the year of the 100th Anniversary of the “storming of the

Bastile”, an event traditionally considered as the symbol for the beginning
of the French Revolution.
 this event attracted thousands of tourists so that all hotel accommodations
were taken.
Difficulty in Finding Quarters
• On March 1889, it was difficult to find living quarters.
• Rizal was very disgusted because the French landlords take advantage of
raising the rents of their rooms.

• Temporarily, he lived with his friend Valentina Ventura at No.45 Rue
Maubeuge (where he polished his annotated edition of Dr. Antonio de
Morga’s book).
• Finally, he lived in a little room together with Justo Trinidad (former
gobernadorcillo of Santa Ana, Manila), Jose Albert and a refugee from
Spanish tyranny.
Life in Paris
• He used most of his time:
 checking up his historical annotations on Morga’s book in the reading
room of the Bibliotheque Nationale (National Library);

 writing letters to his family and friends; and
 going to the gymnasium for his daily physical exercises;
• In his spare hours, Rizal dined at the homes of the Taveras, the Venturas, the
Bousteads, and Lunas.
• On June 24, 1889, a baby girl was born to Juan Luna and Paz Pardo de
Taveras. She was their second child and Rizal was her baptismal godfather who
chose her name “Maria de la Paz, Blanca, Laureana, Hermenegilda Juan Luna
y Pardo de Tavera”.

Bibliotheque Nationale
Rizal and Paris/Universal Exposition of 1889
• The president was Sadi Canon of the Third French Republic
• Greatest attraction of the exposition:
 Eiffel Tower (984 feet high) which was built by Alexander Eiffel, a French

• One of the features of the Exposition was the International Art Competition
 Felix R. Hidalgo – 2nd prize
 Juan Luna – 3rd prize
 Felix Pardo de Tavera – 3rd prize
 Jose P. Rizal – no prize
Three Filipino Societies Founded by Rizal
1. Kidlat Club
 A temporary social society organized on March 19,1889
 Aim: To bring together young Filipinos in French Capital to enjoy the
Universal Exposition.

 “Kidlat” because the club will last only during the exposition....”It will
disappear also like lightning” – from the letter dated March 19, 1889 to
 Members: Antonio & Juan Luna, Gregorio Aguilera, Fernando Canon,
Lauro Dimayuga, Julio Llorente, Guillermo Puatu, and Baldomero Roxas
2. Indios Bravos (Brave Indians)
 Rizal was enchanted by the dignified and proud bearing of the American
Indians whose red-skinned and proudly riding their sturdy ponies, elegantly
dressed in their native attire and wearing their war feathers and paints in a
Buffalo Bull show.

 It replace the ephemeral Kidlat Club
 Aim: to excel in intellectual and physical prowess to win admiration of the
 They practiced the use of the sword and pistol.
 Rizal taught the Judo, an Asian art of self-defense that he learned in Japan.
3. R.D.L.M. Society
 Redencion de los Malayos (Redemption of the Malays)
 This secret society was mentioned in only 2 letters:
1) Rizal’s letter to Jose Maria Basa (Paris, September 21, 1889)
2) Rizal’s letter to Marcelo H. Del Pilar (Paris, November 4, 1889)

 Aim: “The propagation of all useful knowledge – scientific, artistic, literary, etc.
in the Philippines.” – Rizal
 inspired by a famous book entitled Max Havelaar (1860) written by Multatuli
(pseudonym of E.D. Dekker, Dutch author)
 “The society has a symbol or countersign represented by a circle divided into
three parts by two semi-circles having in the center the interlocked letters I and B
meaning Indios Bravos, and the letter R.D.L.M. placed outside an upper, lower,
left and right sides of the circles.” – Dr. Leoncio Lopez-Rizal (grandnephew of
Jose Rizal)
Annotated Edition of Morga’s Book
 Publication in 1890
 Printed by Garnier Freres
 Prologue by Prof. Blumentritt

*2 things which reveals Rizal’s error:
1) Appraising the events of the past in the light of present standards
2) Attacked on the Catholicism
 Aim: The Filipino people would know of their glorious past.
“Born and reared in ignorance of our past like almost all of you: without
voice nor authority to speak of what we have not seen nor studied, I deemed
it necessary to invoke the testimony of an Illostrious Spaniards who
controlled the destinies of the Philippines at the beginning of it’s new era and
personally witnessed the last days of our ancient nationality” – Jose Rizal
Other Works of Rizal
1. Mayi (December 6, 1888)
2. Tawalisi of lbn Batuta (January 7, 1889)
3. Filipinas dentro de Cien Anos / The Philippines within a Century Hence
(September 30, 1889) 
4. Sobre la Indolencia de los Filipinos / The Indolence of Filipinos (July 15,
5. La Politica Colonial on Filipinas / Colonial Policy in the Philippines
International Association of Filipinologists
 An unaccredited international organization of Filipino and non-Filipino
 established in Paris, 1889

 August 1889 – scheduled holding of the inaugural convention because
French government don’t recognize private organizations during the period of
the international exposition
 Aim: to study the Philippines from the scientific and historical point of

•President: Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritt (Austrian)
•Vice-President: Edmund Plauchut (French)
•Counsellor: Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor (Filipino-Spanish)
•Counsellor: Dr. Reinhold Rost (Anglo-German)
•Secretary: Dr. Jose Rizal (Filipino)
Project for Filipino College in Hong Kong
 Aim: “To train and educate men of good family and financial means in
accordance with the demand of modern times and circumstances”
 Mariano Cunanan – promised Rizal to help him raise money as initial
capital for college.

 the initial capital was 40,000 pesos

Christmas in Paris
 December 25, 1889
 Christmas dinner: Fried chicken, rice and vegetables

Middle of January, 1890

 Rizal was back in Paris and complained of a terrible headache
 An epidemic of influenza was raging in Europe

Western countries that Rizal visited

• Rizal to Belgium (Jan. 28,1890)
• Rizal left Paris for Brussels, Capital of Belgium

▫ cost of living in Paris was very high because of universal

• The way social life of the city transpired his literacy
works, especially the writing of his second novel “El
Filibusterismo”. 
• They lived in a modest boarding.
• House on 38 Rue Philippine Champagne, which was
run by two Jacoby sisters.
Feelings and Sentiments About the Way of Life

of the People in the Countries He Visited

 Rizal misses his family and friends and wrote letters for them.
 Rizal decided to change his plan in returning to the Philippines
when he received a letter from Paciano which related that they
lost the case against the Dominicans in Manila but they
appealed it to the Supreme Court in Spain.
▫ The way social life of the city transpired his literacy
works, especially the writing of his second novel “El

• Rizal was sad because of mental anguish in Brussels

and he was worried by family disasters.
• Rizal was deciding to leave Brussels and informed
Del Pilar that he was going to Madrid in order to
supervise the handling of the case.
Everyday Life in the Country He Stayed

 In Brussels, Rizal was busy writing his second novel.
 They lived in a modest boarding.
 He spent part of his time in medical clinic.
 He had gymnastics, target practice and fencing at the armory.
 He wrote Articles of La Solidaridad
 “A La Defensa” (To La Defensa), April 30,1889
 “La verdad Para Todos” (The Truth For All), May 31,1889
 “Vicente Barrantes’ Teatro Tagalo”, June 15,1889
 “Una Profanacion” (A Profanation), July 31,1889
 “Verdades Nuevas” (New Truths), July 31,1889
 “Crueldad”(Cruelty), August 15,1889

 
“Differencias” (Differences), September 15,1889
“Inconsequencias” (Inconsequences), November 30,1889
 “Lianto y Risas” (Tears and Laughters), November 30,1889
 “Ingratitudes” (Ingratitude), January 15,1890
 He wrote letter to Ponce announcing that he was leaving
Brussels (July 29,1889).
 He wrote a poem which was against the background of mental
anguish in Brussels, the poem was called “To My Muse (A

 August 1890- Rizal arrived in Madrid
 He tried all legal means to seek justice for
his family and the Calamba tenants, but failed.

 He almost fought two duels with Antonio
Luna and Wenceslao E. Retana
 Leonor Rivera deserted him.
Misfortunes in Madrid
Failure to Get Justice for His

Bad News from Calamba
 Letter from Silvestre Ubaldo (Rizal’s brother in law)
-Copy of ejectment order by Dominicans against Rizal’s father and the Calamba

 Saturninas letter
-Deportation to Mindoro
 Paciano Rizal
 Antonio Lopez
 Silvestre Ubaldo
 Teong (Mateo Elejorde)
 Dandoy (Rizal’s relative)
-Ejection of their parents from home
-Parents living in Narcisa’s house

-Blumentritt urged Rizal to see Queen Regent Maria Cristina
Rizal’s Eulogy to Panganiban

-Co-worker of Rizal in the Propaganda Movement
-Bicol Hero
-Died : 27 years old in Barcelona
-A sad fate! Panganiban endowed with uncommon
talent, with privileged intelligence, and with
Indefatigable industry, was one of the scared, legitimate
hopes of his unfortunate country. That head has been
prematurely ended. “Filipinas, how unfortunate thou art”
Duel with Antonio Luna
 Drunk A. Luna

 Frustrated romance with Nellie
--Reason for Duel:
 bad remarks-> Nellie Bousted
 which Rizal didn’t like
 Upon soberness of Luna,
apologies gave way to resolution
 Restored friendship with Rizal
Duel with Retana
 Talented Spanish scholar 
 Press agent of the friars in Spain
 Rizal's bitter enemy of the pen

 Retanas article in La Epoca:

-Rizals family and friends ejection
because of not paying rents.
 Written retraction and apology in
newspapers by Retana
Infidelity of Leonor

 Teatro Apolo
-where Rizal lost his gold watch chain with a
locket containing the picture of Leonor Rivera.
 Letter from Leonor Rivera (December 1890)
-announcement of marriage to an Englishman
-Asking for forgiveness
Rizal-Del Pilar Rivalry
 Marcelo H. Del Pilar
-Lawyer and Journalist

-Gained Prestige in Madrid for editorials in
La Solidaridad
-Replaced Graciano Lopez Jaena as editor
-On New Years Day, 1891, the Filipinos in Madrid met to
reorganize the Association Hispano-Filipina and to elect a new
-Rizalistas and Pilaristas
 On the day of voting Rizal won but failed to garner the
necessary two-thirds votes. A second vote was taken on the

next day with the same result.
 He said, “Good! I see that I have only 19 friends in the
colony. Farewell, senores, I’m going to pack my bags until
we meet again”
 Mariano Ponce, Antonio Luna, Teodoro Sandiko, and the
others who were Pilaristas changed their votes in favor of
 But it was to late. Rizal really meant what he said.
 Rizal only served to split the Filipinos, hence he thought it
better for the cause to depart and leave Del Pilar without a
rival in Madrid.
Rizal's Leadership
 Rizal’s Idealism

(to win Spanish peoples respect and prestige for the
Propaganda Movement)

Rizal wrote a brief note thanking his compatriots for electing
him as Responsible. He packed up and leave Madrid.
At his first stay in Madrid he was Happy. During his second
visit he was unhappy. It was the last time he saw Madrid.

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