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Diversity Patterns

An ecosystem varies in time (temporal) and

space (spatial)
Spatial Diversity

 Diversity of life or organisms in space

 Vertical stratification of the forest

Temporal Patterns

 Variety of organisms or life in relation to time

 Time of the day

 Season of the year
Species Diversity

 Total number of species in a community

 Affected by : geologic history; climatic

stability; productivity; resource diversity;
predation & competition
Factors Affecting Species Diversity
 A. Geologic history – own history

 B. Climatic stability – more uniform & stable

 C. Productivity – photosynthesis

 D. Resource diversity – different environmental

conditions for growth & development

 E. Predation & competition – predators reduce

Taxonomical Classification
 Scientistshave determined
seven levels of
◦ Kingdom = Kings
◦ Phylum = Pass
◦ Class = Classes
◦ Order = to Order
◦ Family = Families
◦ Genus = and their Good
◦ Species = Sons around
Classification of Modern Humans

 Kingdom = Animalia
 Phylum = Chordata
 Class = Mammalia
 Order = Primates
 Family = Hominidae
 Genus = Homo
 Species = sapiens

Kingdoms of Life (Margulis & Scwartz)

Domain Kingdom
1. archaea 1. Archaebacteria
2. bacteria 2. Eubacteria
3. eukarya 3. Protista
4. Fungia
5. Plantae
6. Animalia

6 kingdoms

1. Eubacteria Prokaryotes
2. Archaebacteria

3. Protista
4. Fungia
5. Plantae
6. Animalia Eukaryotes


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