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Mensuration is the skill of measuring the length of lines, areas of surfaces, and
volumes of solids from simple data of lines and angles.

Total Surface Area of Cylinder = 2πr ( r + h )
The Volume of a Cylinder = πr²h

Volume of Cube = a³

Area of 4 side faces = 2 ( l × b ) +  2 ( b× h ) = 2 ( l × b ) × h

Total surface area of a cuboid = 2 ( l × b ) + ( l× h ) + ( b× h )

volume of cuboid (v) = l × b × h
length of the longest diagonal of a cuboid = √ (l² + b² + h²)

Area of a Trapezium =  h (a+b)/2

Area of Parallelogram= b×h


Area of Rhombus = b×h (Using the base and height)

Area of Rhombus = (d1×d2)/2 (Using the length of the diagonals )

The formula for finding the perimeter is P = 4s , where ‘s‘ is the length of the side.

Curved Surface area of sphere = 4 Π r²

Volume of sphere = (4/3) Π r³

Curved Surface area of hemisphere = 2 Π r²

Total Surface area of hemisphere = 3Πr²
Volume of hemisphere = (2/3) Π r³

Hollow hemisphere:
Curved Surface area = 2 Π (R² + r²)
Total Surface area = Π (3 R² + r²)
Volume = (2/3) Π (R³ - r³)

Curved Surface area = Π r L
Total surface area = Π r (L + r)
Volume = (1/3) Π r²h
Volume of frustum cone = (1/3) Π h

Hollow cylinder:
Curved surface area = 2Π h (R+r)
Total surface area = 2 Π (R + r) (R - r + h)
Volume = Π h (R² - r²)
Question: 01

What length of a solid cylinder which is 2 cm in diameter must be taken to recast

into a hollow cylinder of external diameter 20 cm, 0.25 cm thick and 15 cm long?

A. 54.06 cm
B. 74.06 cm
C. 34.06 cm
D. 64.06 cm

Answer: B
Question: 02

If the lateral surface of the cylinder is 500 cm² and its height is 10 cm, then find
the radius of its base?

A. 7.96 m
B. 7.96 cm
C. 7.96 cm²
D. 9.61 cm²

Answer: B
Question: 03

If six cubes of 10 cm edge are joined end to end, then the surface area (in
of the resulting solid is ________.

A. 3600
B. 2600
C. 1800
D. 2100

Answer: B

John built a rectangular cardboard box 25 cm high with a square base and a

volume of 2500 cm³. Then he realized he did not need a box that large, so
he chopped off the height of the box reducing its volume to 1,000 cm³ was the
new box cubical? Also, state its’ height.

A. 18 cm
B. 10 cm
C. 15 cm
D. 20 cm

Answer: B
Question: 05

Calculate the perimeter of a rhombus whose diagonals are 12cm and 5cm long?

A. 28cm
B. 19 cm
C. 15 cm
D. 26 cm

Answer: D
Question: 06

A circus tent is in the form of a cylinder with a height of 3 m and conical above it.
If the base radius is 52.5 m and the slant height of the cone is 53 m, find the
canvas needed to make the tent?

A. (3097.5)π m²
B. (2097.5)π m²
C. (3087.5)π m²
D. (3007.5)π m²

Answer: A
Question: 07

A vessel is in the form of hollow cylinder which has been surmounted on a

hemispherical bowl. The diameter of a hemisphere is 14cm and the total height of
a vessel is 13cm. Find the required curved surface area of the vessel?

A. 184 π cm²
B. 185 π cm²
C. 182 π cm²
D. 186 π cm²

Answer: C
Question: 08

Find the total surface area of cylinder whose height is 8 cm and radius is 4 cm?

A. 94 π cm²
B. 98 π cm²
C. 96 π cm²
D. 86 π cm²

Answer: C
Question: 09

Mr. David has a toy  in the form of hemisphere with a cone surmounted on it and 
is having the radius  3.5cm.The total height of the toy is 15.5cm.He would like to
find the volume of the toy. Please help him to find the volume of the toy.

A. 77.58π cm³
B. 76.58π cm³
C. 78.58π cm³
D. 75.58π cm³

Answer: A
Question: 10

A rectangular pool 20 meter wide and 60 meter long is surrounded by a walkway

of uniform width. If the total area of the walkway is 516 square meter, how wide,
in meter, is the walkway?

A. 3
B. 5
C. 3.5
D. 4.5

Answer: A
Question: 11

A vessel is in the form of hollow cylinder which has been surmounted on a

hemispherical bowl. The radius of the hemisphere is 7cm and the total height of
the vessel is 13cm. Determine the total capacity of the vessel?

A. 520.67π  cm³
B. 522.67π  cm³
C. 512.67π  cm³
D. 532.67π  cm³

Answer: B
Question: 12

A cone and sphere have the same radius of 12 cm. Find the height of the cone if
the cone and sphere have the same volume?

A. 25cm
B. 38cm
C. 28cm
D. 48cm

Answer: D
Question: 13

Area of a square and a rectangle is equal. The breadth of the rectangle is 6 m

less than the side of square and the length of the rectangle is 8 m more than the
side of the square. Find the perimeter of the rectangle?

A. 125cm
B. 100cm
C. 225cm
D. 240cm

Answer: B
Question: 14

A hall is 15 m long and 12 m broad. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the
ceiling is equal to the sum of the areas of four walls, the volume of the hall is:

A. 720
B. 1200
C. 175
D. 240

Answer: B
Question: 15

A metallic sheet is of rectangular shape with dimensions 48 m x 36 m. From each

of its corners, a square is cut off so as to make an open box. If the length of the
square is 8 m, the volume of the box (in m3) is:

A. 7020
B. 5120
C. 1075
D. 2400

Answer: B

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